Breastfeeding - How many calories?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Im breastfeeding and ive been feeling really tired recently, ive been eating healthily and what I thought was ok but ive just added up my calories out of interest and its no where near what it should be even though im eating 3meals a day plus other stuff :? I believe 2500 calories is what u should have in a day?

Today ive only had about 1400 calories so that falls alot short of the 2500 but i feel like ive eaten loads.... obviously the day isnt over will eat a bit more but its still very low. Im not dieting and eating the amount that I would normally eat although I do eat quite healthily so that prob part of the reason why but surely its better to eat healthy and be full than eat loads of crap to up my calories when im not even hungry?! I have IBS so thats the reason I try to eat healthy otherwise I end up with agonising stomach ache.

Im sure Ellie is getting everything she needs as is gaining weight well etc but wondering could it be the reason why i feel so tired? If anyone can advise that would be great...
jsut thought about adding more meat..and keeping a food diary..

to give you more enegry you could try some whole wheat pasta, and nuts and seeds, theya re really good for slow release of energy.
umm, it probably is the BFing, not only does it burn 300-500 calories each day (i put most of my weight loss down to BFing) but the baby also saps all ur vitamins and minerals as does in pregnancy! lack of B vitamins can cause tiredness, so take multivitamins (i do, i swear by them!)

dont force urself to eat tho, as long as u eat healthily, it wont matter if u fall short on calories. u will probably find u might make up for them the next day or something. but yeah, multivitamins- and lotsa water! x
Yeh ive just started taking pregnacare to see if that helps and Im trying to drink more water too :) thanks chick x
Babylicious said:
Low i iron maybe? Whole grain cereals are good :)

Im on 3 iron tablets a day plus taking multi vits so cant see it being that to be honest, got a blood test on 3rd April for full blood count so will see then :)
Hi, you sound exactly like me. I have digestive problems and have a low fat diet. I eat roughly 1800 a day and still bfing a 14 mth old! I also was tested for iron etc due to tiredness, but the results said I am fine. I can relate to you completely. I am thinking of taking a supplement as I am part vegetarian too. The way I bunk up the calories without bad fats is to add nuts and seeds to everything. Also eat plenty of carbs for energy. Foods like bananas and avocados have a few cals in them. xxx

yes it is 2500 calories per day, and also 6-7 pints of water.

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