advice on my diet please :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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Hi all,

I have never been a big eater...I eat very healthy..plenty of water, fruit, veg etc but hate take aways and unhealthy food. I have never eaten it and just dont enjoy it. I probably dont take in enough calories on a daily basis, this isnt because i want to be slim or watch my weight, its honestly because Im not a big eater and enjoy healthy food.

Im a size 8 and have a small frame..

I am worried that perhaps I dont consume enough calories for a baby.

can anyone offer me some advice? Im stressed that my diet would make my baby ill or that it wouldnt be able to grow properly on what I eat?

What do you think?..I would say i eat healthily, just perhaps not enough?!..

I have tried to eat more but really cant :(
Your diet sounds good and your baby will do well on it :)
If you are worried about your diet ask your midwife for advice. My mw told me that the baby will take from me what it needs and that if i haven't eated well, it is me who will feel the effects! I don't think you actually need many extra calories at this stage though (ha ha try telling my appetite that!)
I read somewhere that all the extra calories you need in the first trimester (about 250 a day) can be met by having a large glass of full-fat milk every day - could be an easy way to up your calorie intake? Or two glasses of semi skimmed if you can't stomach full-fat? Smoothies are quite calorific too - there's about 500 in a one litre carton of Innocent, for example, so again, this might be a bit easier than eating more, as it's liquid calories instead, and good and healthy too.
I don't think u need extra calories now! but generally speaking you shouldn't be LOSING weight now! and in the first tri your weight gain as an average would be 1-2kg!
So as long as ur eating healthy and enough that ur not dieting or losing weight ur fine!
later on I think in tri3 or maybe from tri2 not sure. u need to have extra 300 calories a day, they say it helps milk production i guess.
I am not sure how far u r in ur pregnancy and whether u have sickness and cravings yet! coz things might change once u have cravings.
Good luck
Thanks for the info, thats fab! I'll definitely start having a glass of milk a day then as i love milk anyway.

I defintiely am not loosing weight, I have been the same weight for as long as I remember but my friends etc always comment that I dont seem to eat enough. I just eat until Im full :)

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