Breastfeeding - calories


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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How many calories do you burn when breastfeeding?

I'm wanting to use my fitness pal again but I don't think it will work unless I credit my daily allowance with extra 'exercise' for the breastfeeding.
I was told at the hospital to increase my calories by 300 a day for bf xxxxxxxx
Let's just put it this way: for weeks on end I ate as much as I could and more. Say, a box of chocolates for breakfast. Didn't put an ounce on.

Enjoy it and eat what you like!
Let's just put it this way: for weeks on end I ate as much as I could and more. Say, a box of chocolates for breakfast. Didn't put an ounce on.

Enjoy it and eat what you like!

I haven't put anything on for weeks and have been eating anything and everything but I am currently 10kg above what I should be so I need to shed some pounds :(
I was told at the hospital to increase my calories by 300 a day for bf xxxxxxxx

Only 300? Bah. Thought it would be more than that. That's only what? A mars bar?! Lol
Lol I didn't think it was much either. Maybe have a google for the rda of calories for Tilly's age and that might give you an indication of what she takes from you and therefore what your increase would be xxxxxx
I suppose it depends on how much the baby eats, but, for me, it was WAY more than 300 calories.
She's a big girl :) does that mean extra cals lol
She's a big girl :) does that mean extra cals lol
Vince is a big boy and, when he was EBF, I *tried* to put weight on and couldn't. It was like a dream come true, eat all you like and stay thin!
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Bf depending of how much the baht eats can be between 200-900 calories :roll:
Pretty sure Vince had over 1000. He somehow managed to get obese on breast milk.
Lol he is not obese :) all I his cute rolls will dissapear when he will start
Moving around :(
Ooooh, so if I said 600 do you think that would be about right?
I will put around 500 just to be sure but I suppose you could eat 800 extra and still be fine as the amount of calories that you spent all day moving around her, cleaning, taking care of her and carrying her is probably huge.
I'm the same as Ish, been a greedy guts the last 8 months, lots of chocolate and not put anything on so must be at least 500 calories a day! Think Im going to pay for it once he stops feeding!
I've already stopped pigging out, it was making me feel so lethargic. But I've experienced something wonderful for a few months, complete gluttony and no consequences!
I must be the only person in history who could gain weight whilst bf :(

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