Breastfeeding and Dummies?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I remember reading that there are some dummies made for brest fed babies :think: I'm desperate to convince Tally to take one, she's definately comfort sucking a lot of the after noon and consiquently gaining weight at a rate of knots!!! I'm finding it hard to have any time where my boobs are covered atm.

She refuses a normal dummy, its like hse cant keep it in her mouth and she gags on it, if she does take it it falls out after a few seconds.

I need a dummy which is compatable with her!!! I had a look in the the shops like toys r us, mothercare, boots and could only see normal dummies the same shape as the ones she refuses (oh i'm currently trying avent silocone ones)
I have ones which are designed for breastfed babies they are by NUK and called 'starlight' and I got them in a local chemist but im sure they are online too, it was sherlock who reccomended them when I enquired about them before he was born as she breastfeeds and uses them to stop comfort feeding. We've started using them as like you, Reggie gained over a lb in one week as he's been over feeding so now we give him the dummy if he still thinks he's hungry after being fed. It doesnt work everytime as if he's really grizzly he still refuses it but it definately has helped alot of times too. Hope this helps and gets you a bit of a break.xx
I use the NUK ones as well. I ordered them online after Sherlock mentioned them. August liked to comfort suck and at first it didn't seem to work, but he has been taking the dummy more lately. I've tried other ones since and the NUK dummies are the only ones he seems to be able to keep in his mouth.
My oldest wouldn't take a dummy at all and my boobs were sooo sore from the comfort sucking but my second loved dummies and it was such a relief as she was so much easier to settle.

My youngest wasn't keen for a long time but with a bit of persistance she soon took them quite happily. So even if your baby is resisting them at the moment, it is worth keeping trying, even if it takes a few weeks.

Before kids I didn't agree with dummies but they have been so useful in settling my girls, especially with night waking, that I truly believe it is worth persisting. The next hard bit is making them give them up!!
Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock, there I mentioned you again :)

Anyhow yes I use NUK on the advise from Sherlock (oops there I go again), I got mine from Superdrug.
Alex is the odd man out then. The only ones he will take are these


The teat is like a weird shape - flat on one side.

They only do them for 0-6 months old but he doesn't seem to care - they don't seem particularly small for him and he's quite happy with them, and totally rejects all others.
We use NUK starlight too, got one from Superdrug and a spare new from E bay (again, after reading one of Sherloks posts :) ). We also have some of the ones that Xena suggested, they have exactly the same shape teat as the NUK ones, it's just that they are slightly too heavy for Rudy to keep in his mouth. I'm a bit of a dummy addict :oops:

We had the Avent ones before the Nuk and had the same problem with the falling out of the mouth. He still can't keep the NUK in all the time so I do find I have to put it back in or hold it in lightly if I'm holding him (not in a forceful cruel way, just helping him keep it in) It has been a real life saver as he would feed and feed until he was very sick and that has stopped since we've used dummys,

Alex xxx
Sam has the Tommee Tippee Orthodontic dummies. They are clear and very entertaining to watch as he looks like a fish when he is sucking lol!

L xx
Lisamj said:
Sam has the Tommee Tippee Orthodontic dummies. They are clear and very entertaining to watch as he looks like a fish when he is sucking lol!

L xx

Evie is bottlefed but she has these too- she won't take any other kind though and where they are clear they tend to get lost easier! :lol:
Dylan was breastfed but I didn't use any special dummies, I think it's Avent ones I got from Tesco. I gave him a dummy from about 5 weeks old x
Still not having success with dummies :wall: i managed to get her to keep a mam's one in, but i had to keep my hand right by it as she cant keep it in well but for once she wasnt spitting it out, eventually she fell asleep but i think it was mainly due to being in the car and the dummy fell out as soon as she fell asleep.

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