Breast pump and bottles question


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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Hi girls
Do you think it is worth buying a breast pump before baby is here? i would really like to breastfeed for the first few months but have had friends who havent had good experiences with it. At what stage can we express and does the breast pump come with bottles? If i dont get a pump yet is it worth buying some bottles anyway? as i said i woudl like to feed myself but it is worth having bottles on stand by?


Laura :D
Besides the bottle brush and pair of lion bootees the breast pump was the first thing I bought :lol:

My set did come with bottles, it varies. I do intend breastfeeding but I also want OH to be able to feed him too hence why I bought one. I'm itching to get back on my bike so I can express then leave LO to bond with OH whilst I get back in shape :)
Thanks very much minimi, may get one while theyre on offer. saves getting one when baba is here and like you i want hubbie to help wiith the feeds! (and so does he, he cant wait) Is it your first baby? or have you breast fed before?
I had DD at just turned 20 (I'm 34 now) and did try but her dad was an idiot and kept laughing at me so I stopped. Want things to be very different with this one including cotton nappies!
avent do a gd hand held manual breast pump which i bought - u can get an adaptor pack with sterile pots for ur milk to go straight in and then u can put a teat on that for baby or use that breatsmilk with baby rice!
i wasn't going to get a breast pump until baby was here just incase i can't breastfeed, if i need one the 24hour supermarkets seem to keep them for a reasonable price anyway. i do however have a few bottles and a sterilizer and a small tin of sma gold just incase in the middle of the night i get desperate and have to bottle feed.
I bought the avent pump with bottles in and I have used it from as soon as we came home..... I found that I was leaking from the breast I wasn't feeding from and didn't want to "waste any" so expressed and froze what came out. I have had no problems with feeding and I don't appear to have any problems with my supply.

The frozen milk has come in handy at this early stage as I have been on antibiotics and we have been able to give Logan milk that doesn't contain any antibiotics as it is upsetting his tummy..... He will be 3 weeks on Tuesday. I know a lot of people have said it is too early to be expresisng or using bottles but we took advice from the midwife on this and have managed fine..( we only give 1 bottle a day at the min and this is in the evening ( and contains the expressed milk)

If you are keen to breast feed then I would buy a pump and bottles to have at home to use as soon as you are ready.
LauraKC said:
Thanks very much minimi, may get one while theyre on offer. saves getting one when baba is here and like you i want hubbie to help wiith the feeds! (and so does he, he cant wait) Is it your first baby? or have you breast fed before?

Where are they on offer?

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