x-kirsty-x said:
I saw summit on TV and a breastfeeding expert was saying 'Its alright thinking that babies who were bottlefed turn out fine, but you're increasing their risk of diabetes, cancer etc.'
No wonder so many women feel pressured!!
I dont think this is proven though is it? Its another case of the scaremonger society were starting to love in IMO. I remeber when I was a kid it was all ''have vitamins'' blah blah ''have plenty of vit C vitamins as there excellent for you'' then I remeber a while ago (maybe 5 years) it was ''dont take to many Vit C you can get cancer'' ................. its all based on percentages and its a load of crap IMO. For example the one about bottle fed babies not being as clever as breastfed babies.....Have they tested EVERYSINGLE person in the world...........NOPE so how can they get a realiable figure based on who they test - maybe it just so happened the 200 they tested, the ones who wernt as clever were just lazy, or not so bright anyway - they can not possibly know this unless they test everysingle person alive and then can work out the percentages!
Sounds awfull but everysingle person has cancer sitting idle in their body, anything can kick it off, dont know if you know, but if you have a car crash, it can kick of cancer (rare but it happens) so do they ask every single cancer patient ''were you breast or bottle fed'' I doubt it, so again how do they know that more poeple bottle fed get cancer than breast fed.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr soooooooo annoying!
Sorry rant over lol
kirlykird said:
I chose not to breast feed my twins as I personally thought it would be too demanding and hard work, they turned out fine!
This is something im worried about this time. When I read the ''demand feeding'' regarding it, and see lots of babies ''demand'' it every hour-huor and half, its quite worrying, as i dont wanna get run down and be ''off the ball'' so to speak for looking after bubs!
kirlykird said:
I am choosing to breast feed this time but that is more due to the fact that it is free and on demand.
Im going to try it, ill always wonder ''what if'' if I dont, but a bit like you, its free and there no messing. But as I said above the ''on demand'' can be a good thing and a bad thing!
kirlykird said:
Although saying that, i will probably only do it for a few months and carry on with formula there after.
Same Kirls, my initial plan is 6-8 weeks I think, or try and do the mixture of bottle & breast asap (I think can be done from 4 weeks) that way, when at home can do breast, when out and about can do bottle!
Things change though, I may find it easy and simple and not tiring at all, or bubs might not take or it may hurt to much, so I think its a case of wait and see TBH.
Sorry for long post