breast feeding ( whens the right age to stop)


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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when do you ladies think breast feeding should stop? my friend is still breat feeding her daughter, she's 18 monts today, and it really seems that she doesn't need it anymore, it just a comfort thing, she only seems to want the breast for a minute then runs off and does something else... then goes back!

when do you think it's the right age to stop them??
Before I started breastfeeding I was adamant I would go to 6 months and that would be it, now shes nearly 6 months I am going to go for a year.

To be honest id rather like it if Olivia weaned herself as I dont want to upset her. I love our breastfeeding relationship its wonderfull :D

I have been told and read, breastmilk is best for 2 years, so if she wants it that long she can but there will b a cut off point and im sure when shes ready she will stop :D

So what im saying is its upto you and your child when you stop :)
I plan to breast feed for the first year as you shouldn't give cows or "normal" milk t babies before this time and would feel that if i can get as far as six months there would be no point me stopping to add formula milk to my babies diet when adding milk and what not to cereals and rice's, but thats just my opinon, i just hope and pray i am able to feed my child myself :pray:
yeh i was thinking i would breastfeed till LO was at least one..

i don't want her to get to demanding on it.. not when she's eating solids.. because think the harder it would be as they get older.
I said i would stop bfing Jam at 6months but thats been and gone and he has no intention of stopping lol!!

he wont take a bottle from me cos he knows i have boob so when we move house im gonna start makin OH bottlefeed Jam in his own room and put him to bed there so he makes the transition by himself without me

it is hard tho, i like that Jam settles down so easily when bfing but i think it will really b different when we move but for the better!

In the beginning my main goal was to reach 6 months, got to 6 months and by then it was still going great so i went for a year.
I stopped a few days after her 1st birthday and probably would of gone longer if i wasnt pregnant ,i wanted a few months break and also not have two BF .
Everyone has their own preference you will know when the time comes
The World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding to at least 2 years old. It is nutritionally extremely good for them as well as being a great comfort, very refreshing and a lovely bond between parent and child.

Some babies however will wean themselves before 1, others don't. Every mother and baby is different and what works for one won't work for another.

I intend to feed Emma until she is 2, your friend is doing really well and should be very proud of herself. :D
i'd do it for a year but i'm gonna hav to wean her a little bit by end of next february (she'll be 7/8 months) coz i'll be going back 2 work. altho i'll probably keep doing it every nite or as a comfort thing until 18 months or so. thats if i'm successful in the first place! lol, we shall hav 2 see!
Im planning on breastfeeding for as long as Ellouise wants...

dont get me wrong i wont be on that "extreme breastfeeding" wtih ellouise hanging off my boob at 8 years old..

but id LOVE to make it till she is two years old...
Like many others initially I was going to see if I could make it to 6 months - always worrying if my milk would dry up :doh: , more so in the beginning then now! I have now more of less decided that I'll keep BFing till Otis is 1 and then start introducing cow's milk during the day while probably still BFing him first thing in the morning and just before bed, will see how it goes nearer the time.
My goal at the moment is to feed for 6 months. I might keep going for a year, but I'm hoping to start TTC again in December and don't want to feed two babies at the same time so I will probably stop when he's around 1 year.

I don't think there's any right or wrong time to stop, each mother and baby combination is different.
I originally thought, I would BF until Ellie was 6months. Now I am thinking 1yr, but as that gets closer I suspect I will carrying on with at least the night breastfeeds for longer. She has dropped some feeds already and is definitely taking less off the breast, so I am hoping she will carry on and drop them when she is ready so I don't have to try and stop her (if that makes sense).
I go through periods where I just want to stop mostly so my boobs can go to normal size and don't wear breast pads...I take it a week at a time right now and see how i feel when i reach the next point....It is so convenient though on night feeds
Has anyone been watching the news on the whole breastfeeding debate? watched a programme ages ago on some freaky woman that breastfeed her eldeset till he was 5! in my opinion that is disgusting!
If i breasfeed my daughter I ill do it for the first year or till she has had enough.
I wont be brestfeeding beyond the 2 yr point as i wouldnt want my child screaming booby at me in the supermarket. :rotfl:
Well with lily I always planned to get to a year and see how I felt.

Well it was her 1st birthday yesterday and me and Neil both discust it and decided that lily isn't ready to stop just yet.

She has slowly cut down the lenghts of her feeds herself the last couple of months, she has a feed after each meal and then a bit a few other times in the day.

Like your friend lily sometimes only goes on for a few minutes then is done I think this is because she is only feeding at those times to quench her thirst.

Me and Neil have decided that I will still feed her after her meals and before her nap and bed time, but I'm now going to introduce water for her to drink in the day rather then coming to me.

Hi, I think the 'right' time depends on the individual being both the mother and the baby. I breast fed my son uptil 23 months. I know he was drinking cows milk, juice and solid foods, but it was a comfort thing just before bed time. I then told a white lie and said my boobies were broken and took his mind off it with a cup of milk before bedtime instead. By that time I thought enough was enough.
neeko_1 said:

when do you ladies think breast feeding should stop? my friend is still breat feeding her daughter, she's 18 monts today, and it really seems that she doesn't need it anymore, it just a comfort thing, she only seems to want the breast for a minute then runs off and does something else... then goes back!

when do you think it's the right age to stop them??

there is no right age to stop breastfeeding. stop when you want to.
Some women have no choice and have to stop coz their babies decide thats it! :lol:
:wave: hi all,

i only wanted to breast feed till my daughter was 6mths she is now nearly 10mths, so i am now just planning on breast feeding untill she shows she wants t stop. i would not go beyond 2yrs tho would like to have my boobs back one day! :rotfl: :)

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