Breast feeding pillow?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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Did you use a breast feeding pillow or did you manage without?

If you did use one what type did you get?

I am not sure what to do/get :?
I ordered one but to be honest I could do without it- a normal cushion would suffice. I've got a V shaped pillow that I ordered from Ebay. It's nice a comfortable to sleep on though! :rotfl:
I don't use one... a normal pillow does me fine, or just no pillow at all. I used a pillow when he was very small, and I've started using one again now because my back hurts a lot.
you quickly get into the habit of sticking a tit in the baby's head in all sorts of positions... I just used an ordinary pillow... but my mum saw a deal in Lidl's the other day on these prop up pillows for babies and got one and I will use that for bf this time round because it looks pretty funky... :)
I made mine not that I got to use it tho. But it doubles up as a support for when they are new to sitting on their own.

Im going to look for the pattern. It was easy peasy. Im rubbish at these things but I managed.
I just grab whatever cusion is at hand and use that
I work in a nursery and we use these cushions to feed the little ones all the time. They really help to reduce back and neck strain (especially when you are feeding 8 babies a day!! lol)

And as others have said are excellent supports for babies as they are learning to sit up by themselves.

EDIT: clearly Im talking about bottle feeding here, but i would think the same applies and I will be using one with my baby...
I got a V pillow from Mothercare and to be honest it was a life saver,but I think that was more because I was sectioned.Plus they are just really nice and comfy,Willow likes to be propped on it now too :lol:
I use a widgey at home. I initially used a regular bed pillow until I got the hanging of feeding and my stomach swelling had gone down (widgey was to uncomfortable to begin with). I have very large breasts and have never mastered the art of feeding without having the baby on a pillow so in public I use a blow up breastfeeding cushion (£10 @ boots). It blows up quickly and I find it much easier and can feed more discreetly when I lay the baby on it (now 15 weeks).

The widgey I could get by without at home but I would be nowhere near as confident feeding in public places without the blow up pillow.
Agree with clarem, get a widgey!! They're fabulous!

If you've got big boobs you'll prob be ok without a pillow, cause bubs can just rest on your lap. However, if you're not blessed in that department (like me!) it really hurts your back trying to hold bubs up high enough to breastfeed. Widgeys are great because they're really firm and support the baby very well so you can relax.

I just borrowed a v pillow off my uncle and used it for the first few weeks but I could gave managed with a normal bed pillow :D
Is the widgey the U shaped one?

If so, that's what I used they're fab cos you can use them to help baby sit up after.

Just looked and it is!
i got a v shaped pillow from argos for £6 it was fab when preg had i known 7 months later i would be b/feeding i would invest in a better one..i use it downstairs in the day but use a floppy old one on rocking chair in nursery but when i used to feed him in bed used it aswell
Thanks everyone- will look into these widgey things :D
I got a mothercare one and cost £20 and dont know why i wasted the money when i could of got a normal v for as little as 6 wuid, thy are great though and make life easy.
i dont use one. i prop her head in the crook of my elbow.

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