Breast and formula feeding


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Hi guys,

With Jack I breast fed but also gave him formula after a while as my flow was not so good after buying the STUPID!!! Gina Ford book! :twisted:

Anyway, I cant remember when I started doing this.

I am breast feeding Arlo but people keep asking me if they can have him for the day, can I express enough for them to have him, could they give him formula instead etc etc.

Just wondered, did any of you guys who breast fed mix with formula and if so from what age? I am expressing as well but Arlo is quite a bitty feeder at mo so dont always get the time.

The last thing I want to do is upset my flow etc, and more so Arlo. any advice???

Thanks x
I breastfed exclusively for the first milk then a bit of both for another week but it didn't work for us. Evie has frustrated with it and I didn't really know what she was getting! If you b'feed you get a good idea of baby's routine and same with formula but I just couldn't with the combined feeding.

He's still really young- maybe explain to people that when he is a bit older they can have him but atm you still need to feed hi.

BTW I would have been so pissed off if I was successfully breastfeeding and someone asked to give my baby formula! :?
Don't think you should right now tbh... not until you get your supply established... you could end up formula feeding completely because you are messing around with his demand which dictates your supply.... you might be in exactly the same pkace you were in with your first, without having the book to blame...babies can be 100% bf'd, lil miss was put on formula in the SCBU and I weaned her off it... but it means that for the next 6 weeks you can't really leave the baby more than an hour or two. :( depends if you want to exclusively bf'd or not...
I absolutely agree with the other posters - he's still tiny, why should anyone else have him for the day? If you want to continue breastfeeding exclusively, then I'd suggest that this is definitely not a good idea.

However, if you need a break or time to concentrate on Jack, then I would wait until you'd managed to express enough and allow other people to look after him and feed him expressed milk only (please therefore only leave him with people you trust to follow your wishes). You will also need to express while he's not with you to keep your milk supply up.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with combined feeding, but personally I would give it a few weeks yet to ensure that your supply has settled down and to avoid nipple/teat confusion and please make sure you make the decision that's right for you and Arlo, not because other people (OH?) are putting pressure on you.

Good luck

Valentine Xxx
I agree with the others. I'd wait at least 6 weeks before doing anything other than breastfeeding (not even express and give in a bottle unless there is a genuine need to). And to help avoid nipple confusion.
Sherlock said:
I agree with the others. I'd wait at least 6 weeks before doing anything other than breastfeeding (not even express and give in a bottle unless there is a genuine need to). And to help avoid nipple confusion.

i agree with this too.

i've only left connor once - for 1 evening earlier this week - it was a military operation getting enough milk expressed. and a real hassle expressing while i was out. i still won't leave him with anyone apart from OH too... i just can't. :oops:
Wait until your LO is at least 5 or 6 weeks old and then try to express just 1 or 2 oz per day and build up a good stock in your freezer. You will then be able to leave him with someone for the day and be able to offer him his usual breast milk from a bottle! Just be aware that this could affect your supply so make sure you express whilst you are out and missing feeds with your LO. Expect your supply to be down for a day or more afterwards.
Thanks guys, I was not keen on anyone else having him really but wanted to know for definate about mixing before I say no. I really didnt want to use both or introduce formula or bottles etc, people were just continuously asking me.

I spoke to OH about it earlier and as it happens he didnt want anyone to have him (especially those who have asked) anyway. So I feel a bit relieved.

I have been expressing but thats mainly for OH incase i need a break or want time with jack. I mentioned this to the midwifes in Hospital and the one that came the other day and she said it would be ok, I prob wouldnt use a bottle yet though. Just build up a supply for a couple of weeks.

One of you said that you would be angry if you were successfully breast feeding and someone mentioned formula! - I was a bit annoyed too, and people keep saying 'sod that I just gave mine a bottle' or words to that affect. :evil: :shakehead:
lulu said:
I have been expressing but thats mainly for OH incase i need a break or want time with jack. I mentioned this to the midwifes in Hospital and the one that came the other day and she said it would be ok, I prob wouldnt use a bottle yet though. Just build up a supply for a couple of weeks.
Ask your midwife or health visitor about a little cup that you could use to feed expressed milk if you don't want to use a bottle. That way there'd be no confusion and that's what you are given in hospital to feed expressed milk to your baby.
If your breastfeeding is going well then I think you'll regret it if you start introducing formula, especially with what happened with your eldest.
if you want to stick with breast feeding, then knock the bottles on the head as much as possible. if other people keep asking just tell them that you're breast feeding and that its not a good idea to mix them if it can be avoided... james has been losing weight after being given the bottles during the times we were separated because of my hospital visits. there is all the time in the world for babysitting later but for now, why dont you invite those kind souls to come and spend time with both of you :hug:

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