breast and formula combining - help needed

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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we have started giving James a couple of formula bottles in the evening / night as he settles better and he is a hungry baby so my nipples are really suffering and this way they get a bit of a break!!

Unfortunately i have noticed thst he has become a little constipated so i am looking to change formula.

However im a bit confused....we currently use SMA Gold as it is specifically recommended for use along side BF and it does say on the other SMA products not to use them in conjunction with BF.

I have looked on the websites for Cow & Gate and Aptimil and i cant see any that are specifically tailormade for use alongside BF and i dont want to get the wrong one.

Can someone who both BF and bottlefeeds please advise me on the best product to use?

Actually from what I know, Aptamil and C&G are only formulas with probiotics(sp?) which can be found in breastmilk. And Aptamil is considered to be closest to the breast milk. I have never used SMA Gold, but I heard quite bad reviews for it. (Like baby is getting constipated and sicky)

we use hipp organic and holly is definitley not constipated on it... i've also heard bad reviews about sma
On the Apatamil box it says can be used alongside breastfeeding like Carina said. Makes their nappies like breastfed ones too so no change big change in that. :hug:
I'm using SMA Gold and breastfeeding also as my LO is also a greedy baby and my nipples have been coming out in different shapes! I dont thnk he suffers constipation as his poos are mustard colour splats and pretty explosive (as breast fed babies poo is meant to look apparently), but he does get wind and tummy pains as he's difficult to burp.

Are you breast feeding your LO solely during the night? I was hoping my DH could give formula bottle in the middle of the night (she hopes!) or even an expressed bottle, but midwife told me that breast milk supply dwindles if you don't breast feed in the middle of the night (something to do with hormones at night stimulating milk supply??) and that it is much better to give the formula feed at say midnight and then the breast at 3 or 4 am! Not sure how true or untrue that is actually but its a pain in the boob literally as I'm really far too knackered to concentrate on breast feeding in the middle of the night! :(
I am breast and bottle feeding and we use Aptimil with LO, she is fine on that.. she used to poo twice a day, now it is every 1/2 days. HV said that is normal and her poos are mustard colour splats too!!!

I breast feed at night and use formula in day. There might be some truth in the milk production at night as my boobs are rock hard when LO wakes for her 3/4 am feed .... they are full for the 6/7 am feed, but not so solid and lumpy.

Think you will have to keep trying different brands of milk as one thing I have noticed from reading this forum is that all babes are different and what is right for one isn't necessarily for the other.. good luck in finding the right milk for your LO. x
aptamil was great alongside us breast feeding , was also what they gave me in hossy when the knew i was expressing too
oh and i was also told at about 2 - 3 weeks babes stop pooing loads , leland cert stopped going a few times a day and it wasnt cos he was constiptated they just dont go as much ! my hv said she gets loads of calls saying there babes are constipated but there not !
Thanks guys. DH bought some Aptimil on the way home so fingers crossed it will agree with LO more!

I am bottle feeding James of a night cos I cant cope with getting up every 2 hours to feed him which is what he requires when I BF. Touch wood my milk production seems fine and he hasnt got any problems filling up during the day up to now!

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