Breakfast ideas....


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
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My 22 month old son used to love weetabix but over the last few weeks refuses to eat it. He used to have 1.5 weetabix and then half a banana and a piece of toast. He still eats the banana and toast but completely refuses the weetabix which was the source of milk at breakfast. Can anyone give me any suggestions of other things for breakfast - preferable cereal based? We don't have much time each morning do something quick and easy is always good

Thank you in advance
Mine loved readybreak, i used to put puree fruit into it for different flavours
Have you tried banana flavoured Weetabix? Porridge, toast, cereal?
I always make sure I rotate my eldests breakfast so he doesn't get bored. I don't think kids are as happy to eat the same thing day in day out like us adults are, and I'm guessing this is the case with your LO.

He will have the different flavours of weetabix, cheerios, rice crispies. Pretty much any cereal. Only thing he's not too keen on is porridge. We also give him a cooked breakfast on the weekend when we have more time, so do beans on toast or cheese on toast. He will sometimes have egg, but it's a bit hit or miss with them still.
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My youngest devours a huge bowl of Cheerios. I also do toast and cheese cubes with grapes, Apple etc. my eldest likes bready stuff for breakfast so raisin brioche, fruit toast, pancakes etc x
are you on instagram? .. I follow lots of baby led weaning ladies on there, toddler meals too. Great great ideas. xx

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