Braxton hicks???


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Jun 18, 2012
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I'm 32 weeks pregnant with my second baby. Past couple of days I've been experiencing "tightenings" unlike my usual braxton hicks these don't go away if I change what I'm doing and get worse when I move around while they are happening. The first day I had them they got pretty bad by the end of the night, where irregular but also increased in intensity by the end of the night, I decided to wait until the next day before phoning the midwife, but the morning they were gone but slowly started up again by lunch time so we phoned the midwife and she sent me into hospital. At the hospital while we were waiting for a room they calmed and stopped or so I thought. They put me on a monitor which showed I was still having them but they weren't strong and I couldn't feel them, which is how my braxton hicks usually are. They sent me home as everything seemed fine I was fine the rest of the day and all yesterday and today they have started up again. They are very uncomfortable, starting off as back ache and then sweeping around and up but irregular some going a few hours apart and others as little as 10 minutes. It feels the same as when I was in slow labour with my son (which was 9 days of irregular uncomfortable contractions which would come and go before they finally kicked in properly). I was not dilated when they checked at the hospital and haven't had a proper show (I lost part of it a few days before this started up but the bulks still there apparently ) So I'm not sure if I'm having just random contractions or just painful braxton hicks. They didn't really say anything about it in the hospital just calling them tightenings and saying I could go home as I wasn't in established labour. Babys movements are fine though she seems to move a little less when these random contractions happen but I dont think I'd move much if I was being randomly constricted lol I've taken to resting (as much as I can with a 2 year old running around but luckily I have a lot of help from my mum with him ) when they happen because they do increase in intensity when do move around, which is very hard at the moment cause I've been feeling very restless recently. I don't want to go into hospital just for braxton hicks so I was wondering what everyone thought about it and if anyone else has experienced anything like this?

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