braxton hicks


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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anyone had them yet?
The other day i went shopping and by the end of the day i was in sooo much pain all over bump (it was rock hard) and my hips and down my back to my bum. surley this is them? :( they went after i had sat down tho.
today i had the same but not so painful..
i honestly couldnt say babe i never had one single one when having my dd so i dont know what they feel like
My friend has just started getting BH's. She says her whole bump just gets really really tight, and its uncomfortable, winds her a little bit, but she says it doesnt hurt atall, and she is a wimp for pain, Ive seen her having them and really she looks like she just needs a fart LOL
my sister said she had them early and they could be very painful at times and just uncomfterble other times.. i just think it goes so quick everything and i wasnt expecting this yet.. :(
iv read some women can get them as early as 15wks hope u dont get to many hun
just looked at your ticker Lisa.. 4 month and 5 days... oh dear.. :D
I get them alllll the time and have done since 18 weeks. they are getting stronger as the weeks go on! x
I've never had them so I couldn't tell you what they feel like x x hope that if this is them you don't get them too often! x x
I started getting them a couple of weeks ago. Had big ones yesterday, rather uncomfortable I tell you! But I only get them now and again anyways.
mine started at 16 weeks, only had about 10 in total though but i had loads with my son so perhaps some people get more than others?? I get them mostly when driving so dont know if it has anything to do with the seatbelt!
i didnt have them til i was in my 30 weeks with my 1st, is this ur first isobel? this may sound silly but if u start gettin them early on does that mean ur baby is more likely to come early? xx
You get braxton hicks from 16weeks and they just make tummy go hard and tight but dont hurt. If you was out shopping then thats prob why your back etc was hurting as when i walk to the school or go shopping my back starts hurting and my bump aches and my feet swell up. its just the extra weight you just need to make sure you sit down when ever you can whilst shopping or just try and get the shopping done quicker :) x
i wondered what they were like! im gonna end up giving birth on the bathroom floor at this rate. I brush off all pains and tightnenings as ligament pains and just sit down and wait till they go! I think i need to be more attentive to my body lol

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