Braxton Hicks question


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Does anyone know how early these can start from and if anyone has had them what do they feel like.

I've had two occasions in the past two weeks where I've felt like my tummy has cramped up really bad. It's not been too painful but definately noticable. I'm only 25 weeks and I don't know if this is too early for it to be BH

Any ideas??? :? :?
im 18 weeks and already get mild ones but i dont know if its because its not my first baby :think:
didnt want to read and run. i dunno how early you get them from hun but i have experienced the cramping pains too .xx
I've been getting cramps too (we're due the same day :cheer: ) but can't tell yet if they're braxton's or not :roll:
i got mine early - from about 21 weeks, they weren't cramps tho - more like someone had blown up a big balloon in my belly and it all went hard in one place, not sore, just not all that pleasant
ive had them with both my babies from around 12 whole stomach goes really hard and swollen and feels a little uncomfortable for a couple of minutes but doesnt hurt.i had so many last night i actually thought i was going to go into labour!
:wave: I've had then from 20 wks with this pregnancy, 28 wks with 1st pregnancy.
They can start at 6 weeks but you usually feel them in the second or third tri!! :D
I have never had them! I wonder if I will this time!? :think: :D
argh! ok i think i definately have them after all :puke: :cry:

Only i've decided because for the last 18hrs i've got really painful back ache, my pelvis and lower abdomen are tender as anything and swollen and they keep cramping and i feel sick :puke:
Mine started at 21 weeks. When I get them, the bottom of my bump goes rock hard and it feels really tight and uncomfortable. I've also noticed over the past week that they are becoming more intense and cramp like as you described. Don't worry hun its perfectly normal but if you need extra reassurance mention it to your M/W
Hey! Mine just feel like I'm halfway doing a sit up or something and my tummy goes a funny shape, tight and rock hard. Sometimes it makes me a little breathless but they usually only last about 45 seconds.

I'm sure I read that they typically start later on in 2nd tri, I had them from about 19/20 weeks with both my pregnancies.

Braxton Hicks should feel like a tightening of your stomach and it will feel hard to the touch, rather than a cramping feeling. BH aren't painful but they can be strong, especially as pregnancy progresses.
I did think about that :think: but I've had it a few times today as well (tensing muslces) and it hasn't hurt. I was just really tender the last couple of days with the skin stretching I think :)
Hmmm... I have had this bump hardening thing too - didnt know it was Braxton Hicks actually...

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