Braxton Hicks

good grief poor you!! glad you've found the cause and got treatment sorted, you better do as your told and keep well hydrated from now on!! :hug:

Thats just the thing Tiny, I drink loads every day; I told the doctor this and she said there are other factors that cause UTIs in pregnancy especially in the middle months like the urine not completely draining away. Feeling a bit rougher today but the tightenings have eased off at least. :)
Oh blimey, at least you have the antibiotics now, wow I didn't realise that could happen, your''ll have to keep an eye on that to catch it early if it happens again. Glad you know the problem now, good job you had it checked.

Did it stop last time or did you have the baby early?
Oh blimey, at least you have the antibiotics now, wow I didn't realise that could happen, your''ll have to keep an eye on that to catch it early if it happens again. Glad you know the problem now, good job you had it checked.

Did it stop last time or did you have the baby early?

I was having very strong Braxton Hicks type tightenings at 34 weeks, they were going on for a few days whilst I was away in London - my mum and sister kept threatening to take me to hospital but I was convinced they were BH's. It was only when I went to see my MW for a check up she had her hands on my bump when I had another one, when I told her they had been going on for a few days she went me straight up to the hospital where they kept me in and gave me anti-biotics! They told me that the UTI had put me at risk of pre-term labour and that was in fact what I was experiencing so they gave me a steroid injection, which jolly well hurt a LOT to assist the baby's lungs in the event that she be born as they would not halt the labour. I hardly moved off of the bed and tried to rest as much as I could - I was very worried that baby would arrive! I went on to have her at 40 weeks exactly :)
Oh gosh, the steriod injection - is that the big one you have in your bum, I had one of those with my first, really bad I know but I can't remember why!

Did you have to stay in hospital long? You were not there for the rest of pregnancy were you, that would have been horrible
Poor you, it just shows that you should listen to your body and instincts. Glad your feeling better today - keep us updated x
Oh gosh, the steriod injection - is that the big one you have in your bum, I had one of those with my first, really bad I know but I can't remember why!

Did you have to stay in hospital long? You were not there for the rest of pregnancy were you, that would have been horrible

I had to stay in for two nights - I can honestly say I hated every minute of it, there was a woman opposite me who's waters had broken and so she was there waiting for labour to start. She was going off the ward every half an hour for a cigarette which did my head in, there I was hoping and praying my baby would be safe and not come early and that woman was choking her baby from the inside out! :wall2:I did get some good sleep though! :)
OMG that sounds like youhad a really stressful end to your last pregnancy :hug: glad to hear it was alright in the end!

The hospital where I work I can see all the people smoking outside from my office window, see heavily pregnant women smoking quite regularly. It makes me wanna cry!
How r u feeling today have things settled down?
oh god so glad your ok. how scary for you.

yay for rosie hanging on in there bless x
Rosies mummy can i jump in this post and ask ya summit hun?

Iv been having what i think is bh's for about 3 days now, but i also have really bad strong back pain with them as u think i should mention to my mw??

My bump goes really tight for a few second then i get the pain in my lower back during them as well?

Glad that the hospital got you sorted :hug: What a fright, though :hug:
How r u feeling today have things settled down?

Sorry only just seen this. Im ok I think, just very tired as usual! Because I didnt have any symptoms I cant really tell but the tightenings have stopped now thank goodness :)
Rosies mummy can i jump in this post and ask ya summit hun?

Iv been having what i think is bh's for about 3 days now, but i also have really bad strong back pain with them as u think i should mention to my mw??

My bump goes really tight for a few second then i get the pain in my lower back during them as well?


When are you seeing your MW? It would definitely be worth telling her about it so she can rule anything else out. If in doubt get a water sample tested asap to rule out a water infection; a kidney infection will give you bad lower back pain. Let us know how you go :hug:

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