Every day more toward the afternoon and evening I get such a full feeling and tummy feels so tight that I can't eat or move and feel I can't breath. Doing anything is a mission. This feeling is pretty much constant and the tightness until I lay on left side but when I get up its there still. I am concerend as I did Google and it could be braxton hicks but what worries me is the symptoms are a bit vague and I don't know if I have them or not and I wouldn't know. If I hadn't read up on them I would have thought im just bloated and stretching as im small. This has been going on a while and I am now 23 weeks. I don't see the midwife for 9 more days. Should I call the midwife tomorrow if she answers! And ask about it. I'm concerend as I don't want to go into preterm labour. Just don't feel I can do anything or I am so tight I don't like it.