Boy's Name???


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2008
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We have loads of girls names we like and probably going to go with Heidi, but we are really struggling to agree on boys names. Only ones we agree on are Ethan, Oscar and William, however I dont LOVE any of them, just like them.

I really like Noah but OH is having none of it. Baby's surname will be Allen,

what do you think of Ellis Michael Allen?

Is "Ellis Allen" too many l's?

Will prob have to work Ellis on OH anyway but I love it, just worried Ellis Allen might be too tongue tying.

Wish OH would just let me choose, hehe! :)
Aw its a shame your oh doesn't like Noah!

We are calling our new son Noah, i suggested it to my hubby and he was like NOOOO at first then a few days later he said i have changed my mind i LOVE it! So Noah is his name!
chrest said:
I really like Noah but OH is having none of it.

We really struggled with boys names too. I was alway making suggestions but OH didnt really like any of them. I said one day, if you dont come up with something better we are using Jake as a boys name. I got my way, you should do the same :wink:

I really like Noah too
Cixie - you're so lucky that your OH came round. Cant see my OH doing that tho. He has a friend (not overly close but still a friend) called Noah, and I think he thinks everyone will think he's named after him. I have told him I dont like his friend Noah, so I certainly aint naming baby after him, it is just a great name, but really cant see me winning! :oops:

Tangerine - What a great suggestion. My OH never suggests anything, it is always me. Oh unless he's trying to be clever and suggesting stupid names like Percius, Zeus etc. Think I might try what you suggested and see what he says. :)

Does anyone have an opinion on Ellis Allen?
i like Ellis needs a long(ish) middle name i think with a short last name
u see i like noah also and my hubby hates it, i think ellis is lovely and it goes lovely
Its lovely but also a lot of lllll's

I like Noah also. Keep trying it on for size with your OH ;)

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