Boy or Girl

I can't tell just yet I am just so scared I get a boy (again) and I so much want a girl , this is going to be our last child so it just needs to be a hirl (last chance hehe)
i dreamt i had a girl last night and my mum said that it'll be a boy then,

i would like to keep it secret form myself but i am just too nosey!

when you go for your 20weeks do they make it dead obvious that they know what it is?!
i dreamt i had a girl last night and my mum said that it'll be a boy then,

i would like to keep it secret form myself but i am just too nosey!

when you go for your 20weeks do they make it dead obvious that they know what it is?!

with me they didn't. They ask if you want to know but as you might know the 20week scan isn't to see the gender it is to see if all the main organs, nerves brain etc have grown the way they should. It is a medical exam (and not just for fun as many people think).

when you tell them you don't want to know they try to keep it a secret but that doens't always work out since they scan the baby completely (also the legs) and if you have a boy you can see a line sticking out. at least we saw a line (and we wanted to know so it wasn't spoiled for us).

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