Gender prediction and heart rate
The question: A friend told me that it's possible to predict my baby's sex based on the fetal heartrate. Is this true?
Ann's Answer: The myth that you're referring to says that if your baby's heartrate is under 140 beats per minute, you're having a boy, and if it's over 140 beats per minute, you're having a girl.
Although this particular myth has been kicking around for decades, there isn't much hard evidence to support it. In fact, there's only one study on the books that seems to lend any credence to the theory at all: a 1993 study at the University of Kentucky that concluded that the fetal heartbeat could be used to correctly predict the sex of 91 percent of male fetuses and 74 percent of female fetuses. Given that every other study on the books has reached the exact opposite conclusion, I wouldn't paint the nursery pink or blue on this basis!
Emilia xx