bought any baby things?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Just wondered if anyone has bought anything for the baby yet?

I havent as i have felt its too early but im dying just to buy a tiny pair of socks or something! To make it more real! x
No Cherelle, although it hasn't stopped us looking lol my OH mum has bought a couple of things already which was sweet however it's like tempting fate so I got a bit worried when she told me x
I havent because I know if i get anything something wrong is going to happen xx
i normally go and buy a little something after my scan but i dont buy anything beforehand as tempting as it is lol i do window shop though lol i dont have to buy anything big as we already have it all so just clothes bottles ect and if its a girl bedding
Im waiting till my 12 weeks scan before i buy anything but im prob going to wait till my 20 week scan before i buy the majority of things. I need to sort out what i have still got of Adams that i can reuse first! x x

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I don't believe in tempting fate, if something is going to happen its going to happen anyways whether you buy the baby anything or not.
Although i have not bought anything yet because i want to know my baby has a heartbeat.

It was me trying to drag my mam away from the baby stuff yestoday, she got the baby 2 little hats some baby growers and some bibs. I think she was getting excited...never thought shed be like this, but im not allowed the baby clothes yet lol xxx
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Technically I haven't bought anything, however........

I use Spuggies reusable baby wipes for my childminded children and recently bought 2 'wet bags' to put the wipes in when i'm out with the kids but they were just too nice to use on other people kiddies so I kept them in a cupboard for when I got my BFP!

So they weren't actually bought with the intention of using them on my own baby! lol

We're going to wait until after our 12 weeks scan and then buy something little to celebrate if baby is ok! Other than that I doubt we'll get anything until we find out at our 20 week scan! :)

Me and OH went and grabbed a little set once we found put everything was ok at 12 week scan, here I am in 25th week and I have absolutely everything, even my pushchair! X
I am scared to buy anything incase I tempt fate. Although I do have baby grows and socks I couldn't resist whilst TTC :)
I think I will wait until after 20 weeks.

We are waiting till our 20 week scan as well, not going to buy anything till then.

Although i do have 2 boxes of knitted baby clothes and blankets that my gran knitted for me when i was 18 incase she wasnt around when i got round to having babies :) luckily she is still around so i'm sure when we tell her after 12 week scan she is going to be very happy and get her knitting needles out again :) i love hand knitted baby stuff its SO cute! :)
I think its personal choice. I bought loadz of stuff when we found out i was pregnant, my mum and MIL are just as bad. By 15 weeks id got all the big stuff we will need like cot, pram, moses basket and a big basket full of clothes thats still growing :)
Oh Nurse26 that is so sweet that your nan thought ahead and knitted you baby clothes! OH's nanna is constantly knitting but we're waiting till 12 weeks to tell her, I'm sure she'll be knitting for britain once she knows! Not bought anything yet as worried about tempting fate although MIL said on the phone the other day she has bought a few bits. Have first midwife appoint next week so me & mum said we'll go to Mothercare after just to "window shop!"
I've not bot anything - but my mum told me the other day that she had bot knitting needles, wool and a couple of patterns :) Told her not to do anything til my scan on 25th!!!! Grannies-to-be, what r they like???
My mum has bought some bits and bobs, she works in next childrenswear so couldn't resist and she's made a baby blanket for us too. My OH mum bought us a baby blanket too. If I see anything I like I will buy it. If something happens to baby can't blame it on buying things too early xx
We both agreed yesterday that if all was well at our scan today (which it was) that we would buy a babygro or something tomorrow to celebrate! That will be the first item and as some of the other ladies have said I think that will make it real but didn't want to buy anything until after the scan xxx
I'm not superstitious and believe if something is going to happen it will whether I buy anything or not. But I haven't bought anything because if anything did happen I couldn't bear to have it in the house. Nearly bought wee baby gap socks the other day though! Scan isn't far away (26th) so I can wait till then :)
Shauna my mum is the same, she started buying wee things weeks ago and I never thought she'd be like that either.
I think my OH's Mum will start buying little things before we have our 12 weeks scan, she's so excited for us bless her!! It'll be her 1st Grandchild too! :)

I had my 12 week scan on Tuesday and everything is fine - like some of you had said, I think I'll go out and buy one little outfit just to celebrate my good news :)

Amanda x

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