Bottling breastmilk in fridge


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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If I expressed some milk in a bottle today, can I add to it throughout the day? What about tomorrow? I tried googling this but didn't know how to word it to get the answer lol
I have added milk from morning and evening expressing together, after both have cooled to fridge temp. Lizzie was fine, so even if it's not recommended, I can't see why not :)
I have added milk from morning and evening expressing together, after both have cooled to fridge temp. Lizzie was fine, so even if it's not recommended, I can't see why not :)

Thanks, I think so too. Not sure if I can add milk tomorrow to the same bottle though. I remember reading a really good website that explained it all but can't find it on my phone.

My laptop hasn't worked since DS sprayed it with pee lol
ive read that it is ok, but ive also asked my GP and she said no. so i was umming and erming, lucky enough i expressed enough.
i wish there was just a straight answer for things x
I store each expressed load separately but then mix them together sometimes if I haven't got enough for one feed. Isla's been fine with it!
I mix through a day but do store days seperate but I mix days to make up the amount I want and G has no probs with it although I bet it's not how you're supposed to do it :)
I don't know what the 'rule' is on this but I will add to the same bottle over a day or two to make up what I need for one feed and Ella's never had any problems with it...
The woman at the milk bank told me I can bank and add to it within a 24hr period. Their processes are rigid too as it's for donor milk.

So if I express at 7am on a Tuesday I can add bit expressed up until 7am Wednesday.

Store it right at the back of the fridge too, where it's coldest.

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