Bottle feeding


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
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I know that they say that breast feeding is best and I should give it a go, but I really really dont want to I absolutly hate my nipples being touched and dont know why it never used to bother me it is ok if I am being intermit with my partner :think:

My partner has accepted my decision and is ok will support me in the decision.

What I wanted to know is, do they give you something to stop your milk coming in once you have given birth What happens once you have given birth do i say I am bottle feeding and do I need to take my own formula in??

I dont want a confrontation with the midwife on the day about them trying to latch the baby on especially when I dont want it. just worried that I may be forced into breast feeding.

i have never breast fed and never tryed it i wont be with this baby either..

no one has ever questioned me about it, one midwife did say u should give it a go i just told her no!

when i was in labour with Dior one midwife tryed being a bit pushy saying "when baby is born just give it ago yeah yeah??" i just said im defo not.. it was fine, i had Dior then they gave me a bottle of formula to give her they just ask what u want either cow and gate or sma.. and they provide all the bottles of milk for u.

after about 3 days my boobs went huge! rock solid and the worst pain beyond belief :shock: and u just have to let it all leak out..

my mum gave me some epsom salts not sure if u have heard of them its some powder for consipation if u have some it helps the boobs leak out fast i just sat in a warm bath and they dripped for about a hr then they went down and shriveled bk to there usual size lol
I BF matthew at the hospital but then went on to bottle feed him when he was a day old because I was so tired I hadnt slept since 4am on sat and was discharged 7pm sun and I had stitches which made me feel like crap but bottlefeeding for me was the best descsion i made, matthew was a big baby at 9lb 1oz and went from 30ml to 90ml in a matter of days and it meant Ben could help with the feeds whilst he was off work which really helped as Matthew took days to settle properly! Do what you feel is right for you and your midwife should support you its you who has to do the feeds etc so up to you how you choose to feed the baby
hi hun,

i bottle fed all 3 of mine, tried to breast feed but didnt get on with it.

you dont need to take any fomula in the hospital with you, they have ready made bottles there, you just have to choose which fomlua you want, farley, cow & gate, etc.

once you give birth, wear a good suport bra, your boobs will get very full and sore around day 3 or 4, dont touch them! if you express the milk to relive the pain then you are telling them to produce more. so leave them alone and they should start drying up around day 10 ish.

best of luck

Thank you for all your replies.

That puts my mind at ease, so many people assume that you will breast feed.

Thanks for the advice of drying. I feel a bit more comfortable now.


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