bottle feeding help!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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Hello, I just wanted to ask any bottle feeding mummys out there for some help.

Unfortunately I am not producing enough milk for Thomas and am onto formula. We are using cow and gate premium powder. A couple of questions:

can you make up the formula and keep it in the fridge or do you just keep the boiled water in the fridge and mix it up as and when needed, or even worse do you have to boil the lettle and wait 30mins each time he wants feeding (i can't imagine this being the case as the water is far too hot!!!)

After feeding Thomas is throwing up a lot! He kind of projectile vomits, is this normal or is he not tolerating his milk? I am worried!! If it isn't one thing it's another!! He was settling really well last night after feeds but now he is not settling at all, is it because he throws some of it up? If so do I give him more!!??

Please help me!
i used to make the milk up then put it in sink of cold water to cool it quickly then put it in fridge i used to make the days bottles up in advance. as long as your careful to keep it as non touch as possible i think thats fine.

i dont know about the puking as nathan wasnt very sicky anyway.
thanks for that, I wish he wasn't pukey!!!
How's his nappies? Stanley was always sick and quite constipated which made him unsettled.

It make just be while he adjusts to the formula though.

I make 4 bottles up with water and just add the powder and reheat in hot water as I need it. If you can get baby to take room temp milk your life will be a lot easier!
If he is projectile vomit and its usually after a feed get the HV or Dr to check him out for reflux.

Arianna had this and I just got sachets of gaviscon to mix in with her milk and it settled it perfectly in a week or two. :hug:
Hi I have always made up enough feeds for 24 hours and kept them in the fridge. I boil the kettle, wait for 20-30 mins and then make up the bottles. I then put them in a pan of water for about 10 mins to cool them and then put them in the fridge. I read not to use cold sterilised water as the when the milk is put in to it the water isn't hot enough to sterilise it.

I'm not sure about him being sick but some babies are sick more than others. If he continues to put on weight then you know that he is just bringing up what he doesn't want. You could check with your HV or Doctor. It might be worth changing his formula to see if it helps. Jake is on SMA Gold and we havn't had any problems.
Hi everyone, thanks for all your advice!

We phoned the cow and gate mummy help line this morning and they said that we can sterilise the bottles add the water and leave them on the side until he needs them, we are lucky at the moment in that he drinks it at room temperature.

I am now concerned because he went from 10-3 asleep then fed, 4-7 asleep, little play then back to sleep then we had to wake him at 9 for a feed as I felt 6 hours was too long, he has slept all morning and just kind of woke up although a little dopey and we fed him, and changed him - he didn't even cry for his nappy change! Now he is fast asleep again, is this normal?!!? (I am becoming one of those Mums!! How embarrasing :oops:
Hi M,

Libby spent much of her first week asleep, so do't worry that he is sleeping lots, make the most of it & get some good sleep yourself, from 10 days on Libby has had more 'awake time' :cheer:


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