Booking in appointment

Little bean

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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Hi guys just wanted some advice, I had my booking in appointment today finally at 10 weeks. I thought the mw asked about family history! We filled a lot of paper work but nothing was really mentioned about my husbands family it's just he has a disabled brother and is a quad himself. Just wondered if this was important or do they ask another time. Thanks for the advice. X
I've always been asked about family history during the appointment - there used to be a huge section to fill in on the forms. Did she ask about your side of the family or nothing at all? I thought they needed to know early on so they could refer you for consultant care, GTT etc if needed x
She asked a bit about my family but nothing about multipule babies which we have on both sides or disabilities which is on my husbands side. Xx
I think they check the mother's side more because they need to see if you need to be monitored. As we all have a detailed anomaly scan at 20 weeks I guess they rely on that more than history. I can't remember if they ever asked about my husband's side - I'll find out in a couple of weeks! x
I filled out a form about my side of the family, but the midwife didn't actually ask me about anything in her questions. I would give the midwife a ring if you are concerned, just say it didn't come up in your appt and you aren't sure if it's something that they need to be aware of x
Hmmmm i have to say with all four of my previous pregnancy's they have always asked about history of twins ect and have always wanted to know the fathers medical history as well .....saying that i haven't had a baby in over 8 years so maybe its changed
They only really asked about my family history not much about hubbies, think at this stage it is more about your health and anything that may impact on the pregnancy rather than the baby!!
Hi you should be able to ask for some sort of genetic screening if his brothers disability is pass down. I have a daughter with cf from a previous relationship and my husband was given a blood test which ruled out him being a carrier. Also I was offered Cvs testing which looks for genetic changes etc. x

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