Booking in appointment!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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Wooohooo I finally have a date for my first midwife appointment. :dance:

It is on the 18th of August so I will be 12+1. Got a few information leaflets with the appointment letter (about vaccinations against swine flu?? Thought that had disappeared as quickly as it had arrived? and the newborn hearing screening programme, honestly I think they just put in anything free to hand whether it is relevant to the stage you are at or not!) in addition to a questionnaire regarding past medical history. The letter says the appointment takes about 2-3 hours. It doesn't say whether I will receive my first scan then too.

What do they normally do at booking in appointments?

I'm just so happy to have a date, it's starting to feel a bit more real now!
thats just your midwife appointment hunny.
your scan is usually a week or two after ur midwife app.
make sure u fill out all the info on the form, know all u know about fam history and bring your partner if u can, if not get all his fam history that u can as the midwife is gonna ask u.

i got my midwife app on 4th aug and my scan on th 20th

im so happy, truely bless and cant wait.

exactly what lealea said! mine took 2 hours and basically had a blood test, urine test, height weight and a lot of questions about medical history. pretty boring really! sorry to sound so negative! lol you will have a 2nd letter about scan soon too!! xx
i got both my midwife n scan letter on the same day funny enough.

im draggin my mum n partner with me. any questions i dont know they can fill in for me lol
Hi all

Think I put this on one of the other booking appointment forums in here, but all they did at mine was take blood and ask loads of questions - no urine tests, weight etc. Maybe that will happen at the next one. Oh and one of the questions was if my hubby and I are related!! :0)

Lealea, just noticed, we are due 2 days apart - I am 27th Feb. Have scan around same time too, mine is on 19th August. Will all feel more real then I think!

oh wow, really? is it different with each midwife?

thats so cool tania. i havent actually seen anyone on here who is due when im due. thats so cool :)
i take it that it hasnet really kicked in that u have a mini person in ya tum hasnt kicked in too hard for me.
I thought the appointment would be the same with every midwife, but doesn't seem to be. I have another appointment with the midwife after my scan so maybe they will do more then.

Not quite feeling real yet LeaLea, no! Maybe it will once we have scan and see pics. Really weird though - the day before yesterday I got up and had literally sprouted a bump overnight! Its really solid!
tania dont even get me started!!!!
i look like im 3/4 months girl. that bump popped up just over two weeks ago. i thought i was jus gettin majorly fat but its kinda hard jus below my belly button. and if another person says twins ima jus grit my teeth. altho if it is twins then ima extra frickin happy lol
People keep saying that to me about twins too, especially since I've been really sick! There are twins on my hubby's side. Guess it would be nice to have a fully made family in one pregnancy, but I dunno how I would cope - I have images in my head of just getting one of them to sleep and the other waking up, plus could never afford the childcare!

I will stop getting carried away with myself now until I actually have the scan! :0)
p.s. how do you get those things on your profile that shows how many days pregnant you are etc? I think I am being really blonde but I can't work it out!
Find a ticker you like from someone elses profile and click on it. It should take you to the site so you can make your own. Use the code in the edit signanture part of the forum.
Bookings in seem to be pretty std , They should take a full blood count, to see how your doing etc (mine didn't this time, which was strange!)

Usually check you urine if you have a sample (ask for a pot at the docs/ midwifes centre before or on the morning, and use docs toilets!).

Lots of questions about you, and then the same for your imediate family, to look for family illness that could be genetic etc

Some will weigh you so they see where you started off, incase that becomes a problem later on.

You will get your maternity notes to have with you for all appointments and scans etc

Also get sooo many leaflets , books and guides to read about your maternity right, free vouchers for baby stuff, and clubs to join, and a book called Emma's Diary that follows a lady through her pregnancy to help you know what to expect (take a carrier bag to get them home in).

Takes about an hour usually - Enjoy it X

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