Booking in app help needed!


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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Hi ladies, cant believe i am over 9 weeks :cheer:

anyway hope everyone is doing well, just a quick question - does the midwife take bloods when you have your booking in app?

I have mine tomorrow and not too sure what to expect :?

I had a book in appointment with nurse at doctors at 8 weeks who just filled in forms and then booked my hospital visit for the following week.
My book in appointment was at my maternity unit on a Sunday so just got given the forms to get them done in the week. Mine asked for a wee sample to test and then just filled in forms, weight and blood pressure and was told my midwife will ring to make an appointment and i don't met her until 13 weeks.
Good Luck
so she might just check my wee and blood pressure etc, i wasnt sure if she'd be taking any blood, its definately with the midewife tomorrow as the doc made it with her.

thanks chick!
Good luck at your appointment hun :cheer:

I didn't have bloods taken or a wee sample either at my booking appointment. In fact we just talked no blood pressure taken either. She did give me my form for the blood test which had to be taken to the hospital before 10 weeks gestation.
Hello! Wahey, every week is a milestone in my eyes! :cheer:

I was supposed to get them done but my ditzy MW forgot the stuff so I had to re-book for the next week especially to have them done.

Hope that helps! xx
I've just had my booking in appointment today and I had weight checked, urine checked, blood pressure checked and the bloods done too.

It varies everywhere so perhaps prepare yourself for having blood taken :)
dannii87 said:
Hello! Wahey, every week is a milestone in my eyes! :cheer:

I was supposed to get them done but my ditzy MW forgot the stuff so I had to re-book for the next week especially to have them done.

Hope that helps! xx

i'm sure your mw is moonlighting in scotland, mine seems awfully ditzy!!

had my booking in appointment today, 4 blood samples taken, couldnt get a fifth load of blood out of my crappy veins (which basically took over half an hour) filled in the form with her and gave a wee sample, in exchange i got some leaflets, no bounty pack as they are out of them...not a fair trade i think :rotfl:
My 9 week booking in appointment had blood, it wasn't that bad though :)
I had bloods at my booking appointment. They're nothing to worry about at all, not painful.

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