Booking appointment results


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2014
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Hi all

My booking appointment is next Thursday. I was wondering if anyone has a rough idea of when you get your results back from all the different tests?

I will be 9+6 on the day and I'm wondering if I'll get them before/ after the second trimester. At my 8 week scan the Midwife supported telling family about the pregnancy now as everything looked good on the scan but I'm really torn.

If anything goes wrong I will be devistateed but I'll handle it. However, this baby will be my parents first grandchild (my sister and her husband seem to be unable to conceive although I still hope for a miracle for them). I really don't want to upset my family with bad news if it's avoidable. My husband is bursting to tell someone and hopes to share it with both our parents tomorrow.

What would you do? X
I had my booking appointment yesterday and the only test they did was running my blood to establish my blood type, anaemia, and hiv/ hepatitis status, all of which I already know however they insisted on the blood test regardless. Apparently I get the results for those soon in the post. They then took a family history and my medical history, height, weight, and establish any risks which there are none for me. No screening tests were done at my booking in, no scans and no heartbeat was listened to. My 12 week can is in 2 weeks and that's when they screen for downs/Edwards syndrome etc. The results for those screenings can take 2 weeks to come back.

I'm only going to be having 2 scans this pregnancy - one at 12 weeks, another at 18-20 weeks. That's it.

Don't expect much at your Booking appointment. It is merely that - booking in and taking a history from you before you regularly see a midwife/gp.
I didn't tell most people until 12 week scan, however I had to tell my parents as I was living with them at the time and had severe morning sickness. So had to explain why I was so ill.

I didn't get bloods done at booking appt. I got them at 12 week scan. Got results at my next appt, got my green notes to fill in at booking appt and had to fill in mine & other halfs details (family history etc)

It's really up to you when you tell people. This time round I'll tell my parents when I find out probably (but not anyone else until after 12 week scan) but that's just me. Good luck x

Just further to the above, I told work straight away after finding out due to having to move teams and role because of risks posed. I also told my mum straight away and my siblings at about 6 weeks. I am just over 10 weeks and we've told his parents and brother today. We are planning on telling work friends etc next week which is only 11 weeks but that's why feels comfortable to us
I got them at my next Midwifes app. They told me the only time you get a call etc is if there is something not right with them. No news is good news and all that. I gave more blood at the 12 week app for the downs test and got then back within a week x

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Thanks everyone. We decided to tell our closest friends (just one couple) as I trust them more than anyone and I wanted to say something before they guessed as we were celebrating and I wouldn't be drinking. It's nice to have a person each we can confide in and hopefully now my husband won't be. Rusting with the news so much.

I've decided to wait till at least 12 weeks to tell our parents (I stood my ground on this). My work colleague came up to me on Friday and told me she's nice 9 weeks pregnant and so wouldn't be there for the next academic year. I couldn't believe she was due a day before me so I explained that I would also be away next year. It was very sad as she told me of miscarrying at 11 weeks after having 2 successful pregnancies. She was obviously upset by this but she had also told family and agreed that seeing her family sad was awful.

I know things can go wrong at any time but I also feel more confident with each passing day x
I also got my results at my 16 week appointment. The results from the 12 week bloods I got at about 14 weeks, they sent those by post. They usually say they will ring you if they need any more blood taking or if there is a problem with any of the results.
I got my booking appt blood results at my 12 week dating scan. Obviously don't know when I'll get anything from the 12 week one. By letter for the nuchal screening as far as I know.

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