booked my 4d scan, my mums driving me mad about it


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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*** RANT ALERT ***

Right when i found out we were expecting, after losing the twins everyone was over the moon, and i was getting all excited and bought up about 4d scans to which my mum said, " oh you leave that to me and your dad, we want to buy you that"

Anyway hearing how everyone else is booking theres and a certain member on here MAKING me book it on the same, i went ahead and booked it, feeling very excited i then phoned OH to let him know what i was spending his money He was over the moon and can't wait.
I then went down to my mum as i wanted to ask her to come along and i was so excited about it.

I got to my mums and decided to tell Harrison that we had booked a special scan where he can come and meet his baby brother then my mum went crazy....... She gave me this awful shooting dead eye wgich i know only to well is followed by a row.
Then she starts saying "why on earth do you need to pay £135 for a bloody scan i don't know, its a total waste of money, your both crazy if you ask me" I said it was something we wanted to do and an experiance we would like her to share as when i was pregnant with harrison i was alone and never had the chance. She then said she didn't know if she could get the time off work WTF
She has really upset me and i didn't even bring up the point that when we told her we were expecting she actually offered to pay for the scan. I don't understand why she just can't be happy for us, its not like we are wasting our money and Lee works his ass of so its not like we don't have it to spend. I'm really upset about this as everything we seem to buy she has something to say about it. We went to buy a moses basket the other week from M&P and she flipped then saying we were crazy and were wasting money on shit all the time.

Why can't she just be happy that this pregnancy is going well and this time around i'm not alone struggling on benefits like i did with Harrison???

Lee knows what she is like and told me to just switch off when shes acting like this, but shes my mum i kinda want her approval if you know what i mean.

Sorry for the rant ladies, i'm just so upset about it all. If you read this

Anyway on that note our scan is 10th may and we have decided now that me. lee and harrison will go by ourselves. Sod um all xxx
awww hun im sorry your mum is being like that :( :hug: :hug:
I think its great that you are doing it and enjoy every second of it as a family :)
Aww hun :hug: Your Mum seem's to be acting abit irrational if you ask me. Maybe you should try talking to her, ask her what her problem is? Tell her you are ok for money and want to enjoy your pregnancy and new baby in ways you werent able to with Harrison. From the sounds of it there is something bothering your Mum and I think it all needs to come out.
sorry she's being difficult. Just do what you like and dont think about what your mum will say. she'll be fine once baby arrives!
:hug: :hug:
Aww, my mum has moments like that, if we buy something that's just a teensy bit more expensive because it's prettier than another version she'll go on about money and things. She doesn't seem to understand that we enjoy getting what we like for the baby and that it's our money!

I had a 4D scan, (and was told by my mum we should't have spent the money on it) but I can honestly say it was the best money we've ever spent. it was an amazing time and I keep watching the dvd over and over, there is no second chance with these scans, it's a once in a lifetime (literally) opportunity and there is nothing more amazing than seeing your LO up close an in such detail.

I don't know what to suggest about your mum, maybe she will see your point when she sees the pictures/dvd and she'll realise what she missed out on and what the fuss is all about!

You go and enjoy your scan! It IS worth it xxxxxxxx
I agreee with the sod em all philosphy! lol

My mother can be a pain in the ass too at times. When I first told her I was pregnant this time her response wasn't what I expected. I expected her to be happy but instead I felt like I was 17 again telling her I was pregnant :wall:

I did speak to her properly a few days later and was like which part of I've got a degree, a good job, married, have a mortgage isn't suitable for having a baby???? And she did apologise and say it was a knee-jerk reaction as she didn't know how to react.

Sit down and talk to your mum when your both feeling calm. Sending :hug: :hug:
Aww I'm sorry that your mum isn't feeling as excited as you are hun :hug: :hug: I wonder if her reaction was partly because deep down she knew that she had offered to buy you the scan, but then hadn't :think:

I think that you, Lee and Harrison will all have a lovely time :D

Oh you poor thing, good idea to go and enjoy the scan without her.

Maybe next time tell her that if she wants to see her grandchildren in future she needs to respect you are their parents and that these are your decisions to make.

im so sorry your mum is giving you a bad time hun. have one of these first... :hug:

i can understand what you mean when you say you want your mums approval,she had probably forgotten about it and when you mentioned you had it booked and how much it cost, she thought it was a bit pricy. but to be honest no matter how much it cost, most of us girls would try our hardest to get enough cash for one!

This is a once in a lifetime chance to watch your baby boy and bond with him. Its an amazing experience for you lee and Harrison! you will have your DVD and photos forever!

me and Dean cant really afford ours, but we dont want to miss the opportunity to see our baby and get a DVD, so if it means scrimping and saving for a while then so be it.

im here if you need to chat sweetie. hope your feeling a bit better about it. do what YOU and your family want to do. dont miss out on something so special for anyone. xxxxx :hug:
Aww Sara :hug: You poor love. Sounds like a tricky one... I know what you mean about needing your Mum's approval. It could be that she wants to be the one you turn to for help financially as she'd offered at the beginning to pay for it, but you'd gone ahead and done it with Lee, so maybe she feels put out?

Even so, if that is how she is feeling, then she could have been honest with you and told you why she is a bit upset.

Hmmm :think: It's tricky because we can all make assumptions but I think you have two choices: Have a chat with her and just ask outright what is up, or just leave it as it is and wait for her to come round.

Sometimes Mum's can strop worse than their children!!

Don't worry sweet, not long now! Less than a month! :cheer: xxx
Thanks everyone for being so nice.
It turns out m mum must have been having an off day as i went and met her when she finished work yesterday and we went out for lunch and bought baby things and everything is fine now.
She will be coming to the scan and then she asked if she could take the disc of pictures into work to show all her friends at work.
She even said her and my dad are really lucking forward to it, i guess i had my rant and it turns out it was one of her mood swings again, don't worry ladies i'm sure i have a lot more to
That's brilliant Sara :hug: I'm really pleased she's come round :D I thought she would, Mum's can be buggers at times!

Can't wait to see your pics :D xx
Aww I'm glad she's come round hun :hug:

From what I've read on everyone else experiences you will cherish the scan and so will she. Not a waste of money at all IMO, as you said, it's an experience and not like it's something you can put off until another time!

My Mum has been acting strange like that when I mention buying things saying I'm worrying about it too much (we haven't bought barely a thing yet!) and that my brother will have lots of hand me downs so I shouldn't waste money buying a thing!

Hope it all goes well, and pleased she is acting more positively :) xx
Aww glad she was just having an off day :hug: lol at her wanting to show off her latest grandbaby :D

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