Boobie feeders...How many...


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
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Times do you get up each night to feed your LO and how old are they?

I've asked because I don't want to feel on my own with the zombie-like feeds several times a night!

Kathryn upped her game last night and woke up at 9pm, 12 midnight, 2:30am, 4:15am and 6:15 am. I need :sleep: !
When Angel was small it was about 3 or 4 times. When she hit 3 months she dropped right down. She'd feed at 10pm then sleep til 5am. Now the past couple of weeks it's back to 2 or 3 times! Dunno what's changed. Think she maybe teething.
Well i don't actually get up as we co-sleep :wink: but Coop wakes 3/4 times a night for a feed. Normally bed 9pm, wake 130,3pm,5pm then up around 9am. He's 10wks old. Last night he missed the 130 feed much to my surprise not expecting that to last! :) xx
I get up twice

Usually anywhere between 2:30 - 3:30
Again between 5:30 - 6:30
Calleigh slept through up until recently when she would wake a few times again in the night for a feed.
Usually down for bed at 7ish then she would feed around 12am 3am 5am and 7am.
I waited this out as i have had alot of pressure from inlaws that it means she needs weaning :?
And the last two nights she has slept through from 7ish till 5am :)
Anything between 0-3 times a night. It can change from one night to the next. Never had more than 2 nights in a row the same yet.

I class nighttime as from when I go to bed till 7am ish.

He's just 14 weeks old.
mine is 8 months and now sleeps through the night

BUT all babies are different
643 times a night right now.... ok.... thats a lie but it how it feels lol. He is 5 months.
Alex co-sleeps. No idea how many times he wakes up - I just leave one boob hanging out and he sucks on it whenever he feels like it.
He's just turned 1 year old.

I need to wean him off night-feeding to be honest.
Emma sleeps from approx 11pm - 8.30 with no feeds or waking. She has done this from about a month ago and has been exclusively BF.
Riley wakes generally every 3 hours ish, sometimes more, very occasionally less.

Last night he woke for the first time at 1 after having an 11pm feed, then again about 3, 5, 8 :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

I also co sleep so I don't actually get up with him....he's erm... 18 weeks I think :oops:
Two or three times a night.

Sometimes he tries for more, but I've found if I let him, he sucks for about a minute and then falls asleep, rather than feeding properly.
Wow Loz! How to make lots of us very envious in one short sentence!
loz said:
Emma sleeps from approx 11pm - 8.30 with no feeds or waking. She has done this from about a month ago and has been exclusively BF.

Good on you! :cheer: can I have some of your :sleep: please?
My Lo is just over 2 months and she wakes up once. I put her to bed around 8 and she wakes between 3am and 4am for a feed then wakes up around 7am. Sounds like I'm quite lucky really...the next step is not waking at all!!!! Not sure how long that'll take tho! :sleep:

Rudy is only 4+ weeks, at the moment he goes to bed between 10.00-12.00 (late I know but the evening is his most awake time atm and it works for us right now) he'll then wake for feeds between 3.30-4.30am and again at 6am-ish when his Daddy gets up for work. We usually get up around 9am when he'll have a feed in bed and then we go about our day.

Friday night/ Saturday morning he slept from 12.00 until 5.00 which was shocking and brilliant, it hasn't happened since though. He really is quite good with night waking/ feeds considering his size, makes up for it with the million feedings during the daytime though!

Alex xxx
around 3/4 times... shes 6 months... IF (and thats a big if) I'm lucky it might be 2 times... but thats rarity. :lol: :lol: :lol:
We co-sleep now and on a good night maybe twice, on a bad night she will feed loads all through the night whilst half asleep but I get to sleep through it :wink:

We started co-sleeping about 22w after 10w of her waking up every hour through the night to feed and refusing to feed during the day as the world was too exciting and she might mis something. She was a great sleeper until then. Life is much better now for all concerned in the sleep department!
flowergirl said:
Wow Loz! How to make lots of us very envious in one short sentence!
loz said:
Emma sleeps from approx 11pm - 8.30 with no feeds or waking. She has done this from about a month ago and has been exclusively BF.

Good on you! :cheer: can I have some of your :sleep: please?

I know I am so lucky!! I think it is partly down to her being in her own room . . .

:hug: :hug: :hug: For those who are up ++ times in the night, I'm sure things will change at some point and I will be :wall:
i co-sleep too so i don't really notice. but its usually about 2-3 times a night now. it used to be every 2 hours though :bored: :bored:
No he sleeps all night no feeds

6pm-7am at least

2 months 4 weeks and 1 day

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