Boob Question ???


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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Ive just posted this in the health section and was advised to try over here as well...

Ive noticed the past few days some liquid that I can squeeze from my nipples... sometimes clear, sometimes a white ish colour and sometimes in between. Sorry to sound disgusting but I squeezed quite alot out last night until there wasn't as much coming out if you understand? Had a look tonight and there is just as much coming out as last night?? im very confused :?

I have noticed a very very slight change in my nipples ie the way they look and the nipples are quite sensitive when my OH touches them but the rest of the boob area isn't sore

Has anyone else ever had this?? What is it??

sorry if thats long winded :lol: xx xx
Hmmmm I really have no clue! Hopefully some of the other ladies on here will have an idea!
not really sure hun, i only ever got this sort of stuff when i was pg with my other children when i was 20+ weeks pg
Sorry hun i cant help either... i only had this when i was in 3rd tri expecting my first which was milk of course! x
hummm tis very odd....... al check back later and see if anyone else has replied, thankin you!!
I have had this for the past couple months I went to doctors and had blood taken to check hormones which came back fine


Now i am pregnant I had chat which doctor and she thinks maybe i had a very early m/c the cycle b4 i fell apparently its uncommon but not unheard of to have this eary in pregnancy x

Good luck

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