Boob preference?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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me again :wave:

Noah seems to have got a liking to my left boob and will latch on no problems, but has now started being really fussy on my right side. and is now making it sore again by trying to pull away while still attached, and just unlatching every 5 minutes :?. My flow seems better in my left as that one seems to be leaking more, is this why he prefers it? Help!
not had this problem myself although i know others have (squiglet?!)

perhaps try the rugby hold when he's on your right boob?

:hug: :hug:
I've just had this exact conversation with my BF counsellor! (She was sent round by my HV after I sobbed to her this morning about the painful feeding!! :lol: :oops: )

Anyway, she said it is completely normal! In fact, 88% of babies have a preferred boob! She said it's like us having a favourite mug in our cupboard. No real reason for it, we just prefer to drink from it.

I heard once (and it could have been from a lady on this forum) :think: that if you put baby in the rugby ball position on the boob he least likes, it fools him into thinking he's on the other boob (his fave one). Not sure if it works, might be worth a try though!!

What I do (and the BF counsellor agreed), is offer her the least liked boob first (always) so that she takes from it and top her up with her fave boob.

:hug: xxx
Maia used to prefer my right then all of a sudden she fell out of love with it and went onto the left. Now she doesnt really have a favourite side any more.

I used to feed her from her least favourite side during the night when she woke when she was too sleepy to realise. I also tried feeding her laying down from the akward side and that seemed to work too.
Lola still goes through phases now of having a favorite (It's the right one ATM) and she's over 13 months old :lol:
Same here, Rudy changes his mind all the time (just like his father :roll: ) He loves them both at the moment but last week the right was his favourite. When my boobies started to get better after the initial soreness of BF one took longer than the other because it was his preffered boob- it did get better quickly though.

Alex xxx
Finlay did the same thing too - he preferred my left side for some reason and would fuss with the right

But sometimes he would switch
I've got this with my l/o atm and she's almost 10 months. What i've started doing is feed her from that side first during the night/first thing in the morning. Then back to normal after that and when she pulls off i put her on her fave side till she's sleepy then switch back to the other side.
Yep Calleigh went through an awful stage of prefering my right boob and refused the left even when putting her in rugby hold.
In the end i had to lie down and feed her lying on the right boob whilst letting her feed from the left to fool her :roll:

She has changed her preference many times and currently its my right again but she will still feed from my left just gets a bit fussy at times.

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