

Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Well, i kinda dont get it.

sofia has baby rice and rusks at the moment just in the evenings and i dont want to give her anything more until shes at least 4 months old (health visitor and doc advised as she was having sooooo much milk in the evenings)

but when she is a bit older, can i do any baby led weaning? im wondering because she has already been spoon fed and knows how to swallow, but would she be capable of chewing something if i just left her to it so to speak?

i know theres a few of you BL weaners out there. any advice would be appreciated!! xx
Isla has been spoon fed, but recently she's been eating fresh fruit, organix carrot sticks, and other bits. She's coped amazingly with the transition between the two types of feeding and is brilliant at getting her food in to her mouth.

For me as a ftm I found the jar option very safe, but she is enjoying the texture of different foods so much so she's on 7+ jars and eats lumpy food :)

amelia has been eating lumoy food dor a while now and i only use a potatoe masher on her veg and she is fine she also can hold a biscuit on rare occassion she has one and is fine x
I fed my daughter purees (from 4 months) and then did a bit of both from about 5 and a half months. She adapted fairly quickly to picking food up with her fingers and was still happy to be fed with a spoon.
I think the problem when going from spoon feeding meals to blw is that baby is used to get the food down them fairly quick n get full up while blw is about exploring n having fun it can become frustraiting? But just cuz u r giving rice now don't mean blw won't work. Babies r very clever. If u want to do blw full time though I suggest that u wait to 6 month with meals n then start fingerfoods instead of pursed. Blw is so much fun an amaze me everyday.
I'm no expert, just a thought, I might be completely wrong
It's never to late to start Blw. Evelina is right but as long as she isn't hungry when she experiments with foods then she shouldn't get too frustrated with it.
Evelina's right. I started charley on puree's then at 6 months decided to introduce solid food but charley gets too impatient. He expects to get full quickly when being fed so when hes not he has a hissy fit then refuses to eat so I just give him finger foods at snack times now and have just introduced lumpier food.
If you want to blw, I'd try to hold off weaning until 6 months x.
Thanks guys. I am not really "weaning" so to speak as I'm trying to just give her something more filling and hope to do this as long as possible as if like to try the BLW-milk just isn't enough! I'll hold out as long as I can before introducing anything else. X

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