BLW help!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Kynon is almost 5 months (21 weeks) and I'm planning BLW but he seems to really want food he try's to take food off you when your eating and is making lots of lip smacking noises. Do you think he's still too young to start? I almost feel cruel stopping him from taking stuff off my plate!
If im honest I would give my lo bits at that age just a little now and again and things like carrots they don't recommend it but was best thing I did my lo was eating proper meals by 7 months and will eat anything now. This is only something you can decide. X

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I was wondering whether to give him cold raw carrot to chew on as a teething thing or apple or cucumber. He grabbed a crisp packet off my oh earlier which is really bad, we took it off him and he was right upset and kept licking his lips. Think we'll have to eat crisps in secret now!

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Only you can decide when Kynon is ready hun, I'd go for it if you think the time is right!

*Sent from TapaTalk*SonyEricssonX10MiniPro*
Sounds just like my boy at that age lol the blw was so new to me I was scared to give him anything raw to start but after a while I knew he could control his food I then started with harder foods. he had his two front teeth by 5 month though so could bite chunks off.

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Sounds like he's ready for food sarah try him with a banana or something soft :) xx

I'm not sure if it defeats the object of BLW, but you can get cool fruit holder nets so baby can eat the fruit and not choke :) x

*Sent from TapaTalk*SonyEricssonX10MiniPro*
Sarah, I see no problem with putting your lo in his bumbo whilst you eat and giving him some as well. He prob won't eat it, he'll play an feel involved which is the point! We started blw at 5.5 months... X

Im kinda going thro the same thing. Kayden is just coming up for 4 months. He's not doing the lip smacking, but he tries to grab food (I think thats coz he tries to grab everything tho) I mentioned to MW that he's now taking 8oz every 2 hours (he's always fed every 3 hours) she said it might be time to start weaning, I said i'd rather wait til at least 5 months & she said thats alot better than 4.

I'll defo consider it when he reaches 5 months. Determined to stick with bottles til then.

I'm sure you'll make the right choice & let us know how you get on! i'm interested to see if Kynon sleeps any longer!? (Is he still BF'ing every 2/3hrs?)

Wow littlemiss I thought my lo was a hungry baby but he didn't have that much. Blw is the best thing I ever did imo. His first food was banana and he didn't just play with it he ate it. It was so much fun watching him try new foods too. Your lo will let you know if not ready. Good luck and keep us updated x

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He's still bf every 2-3 hours but sometimes goes 5 at night when i first put him down. Im going to try and wait a bit longer as he's teething so could be that as he wants to bite everything hard just now. I gave him a big stick of cold raw carrot at tea time knowing he couldn't eat it but could use it as a teether and he loved biting on it and rubbing his gums! Stopped him moaning while we ate anyway!

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That pic is so cute he is gorgeous. X

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I think the main idea behind BLW is they'll do it when they are ready, if he's not ready and you stick food in front of him he'll not do anything but if he is ready he'll pick it up and learn how to get it to his mouth etc. In the early days it's just playing and mucking around for ages anyway rather than successfully eating anything so I say go for it! That pic is really cute, he's holding the carrot really well!
How did he get on with the carrot sarah? Did any bits fall off or did it stay intact.

Great idea btw, i might try that with kayden

He didn't get anything off as it was raw and too big but he enjoyed it! He's got quite good hand to mouth coordination just recently so i know he could get food in i did hold it out for him to grab though so would need to see if he can pick it up himself in the high chair. I thought cold apple could be good just now too and i bet cucumber would be really soothing on sore gums!

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I'm gona get a few of these things next time I go shopping. But would cucumber not be more likely to have bits coming off?

I'm gona get Kayden's highchair soon, just so I can get him used to it.

Yeah maybe cucumber might be too much just now. He had another carrot tonight but dropped it and so the dog had it! Might have to think about that a bit more once he starts properly otherwise the dog will eat most of it!

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Yeah maybe cucumber might be too much just now. He had another carrot tonight but dropped it and so the dog had it! Might have to think about that a bit more once he starts properly otherwise the dog will eat most of it!

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My mum's dog has unfortunately learn that Linzie is a constant food source - we have to take him out of the room when she's eating, or he sits under her highchair, hoovering up all the stuff she drops! She even started feeding him on purpose! Lmao!

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