BLW help


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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LO has just turned 6 months so am starting BLW with him. He's full of cold at the moment so am waiting until that clears up to start properly.

I gave him some cheese on toast at lunch which he had a little lick of and then threw it on the floor. He's also had toast which he likes, and banana which he's not too sure about.

I'm going to give him some brocolli and carrots at tea time too.

Basically I just need some inspiration on what I can feed him. I've got the BLW cookbook but nothing really jumps out at me from that.

Has anyone who is doing BLW got any recipes they would be willing to share with me. Lunches are a big issue as I don't tend to cook at lunches, just have sandwiches. Can LO have sandwiches and things like that now??

Thanks in advance. Really can't wait to get stuck into this!
LO can have anything you're having except high salty things. I quite liked the cookbook. Instead of just sandwiches on regular bread why not try pitta bread or tortilla wraps? Or try different types of bread? There's loads of sandwich fillings you could try too. The biggest thing to remember is that 'food is fun until they're one'. This was a problem with my mother. She couldn't understand why Sebastian wasn't eating everything put in front of him or why I wasn't telling him off for throwing food on floor when he was done. Blw was honestly one of the best things I've ever done!

Ignore any mistakes-my iPhone is addicted to autocorrect!
Also I did a blw journal on here if you want to look at it x

Ignore any mistakes-my iPhone is addicted to autocorrect!
Thanks Helen. I'll take a look at your journal.

I'm not worried about him not really eating the food yet. I know it's all about learning about the different textures and tastes etc for now.

Am so excited to get stuck into this, just a bit apprehensive about doing it as I want to make sure he's having a balanced diet.
anytime honey x

Ignore any mistakes-my iPhone is addicted to autocorrect!

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