BLW - Food Ideas

Toby had chilli for tea tonight, eggy bread for lunch and rice cakes as snacks, he loves crumpets, cheese sandwiches/toasties, pate, tea cakes, sausages... In fact the only thing he really is not keen on is broccoli!

The book is good, really ordinary ideas but worth having for when u get a bit stuck

How long did it take for your LO's to realise what to do? Evelyn seems really disinterested with food. The past few days she just sits and stares at it!
It's just worrying me that she's not getting enough :-(
Hvs and that make you worry about your food not getting enough iron ect if theyre not eating but babies will eat when they are ready. I started giving Paige food at around 4 months as she just loved it. But at first she didnt seem interested so I waited longer then tried again :)

Evelyn will get interested soon. Just keep seeing if she wants any.
about a week, but Toby has hollow legs I have decided. Afriend LO is 3 weeks older and not half as interested in food...
Hehe! Bless him! We've been at it a week now - she's definitely showing signs of chewing which she hadn't a few days ago, it's just the swallowing she has to master now x
I am glad really, as he was feeding so much from me I was worried I was starving him, turns out he is the definition of bottomless, she will get there, but stick with the BLW as it can take some time, most children don't get what they need from food until almost a year x

Mary-Ann (14 months) still put everything in her mouth, so eating is no problem for her. Though, she got a couple of fav's:
Yogurt, cheese, cucumber, chicken, pro-vita, tomato, grapes, potatoes.
my mini one still isnt really interested in food! she'll eat anythiing that isnt edible tho! i used to worry she wasnt getting enough, but i figured if she was hungry she'd eat! i literally get a mouthful of toast in her at breakfast and lunch and maybe a couple of mouthfuls at dinner time!
Im finding feeding still difficult and Ethan is 8 months he gags at almost everything except porridge and mashed jarred baby food. It's so frustrating because i'm really trying with BLW but he doesn't seem to be improving!! Is this normal, i don't want him to live off mashed food ... any advice girls? x
some good ideas there.
May have to get the BLW cheap off amazon if I can :)
lauren, they're all different! a friend of mine's twin boys still wouldnt eat lumpy food at just over a year old! but now they're older they eat everything! just stick at it and eventually he'll get it!
I hope so i really don't want him to be a fussy eater like his Dad! xx
What Rosemarie did to get Mary-Ann to eat, was to cut soft food into small blocks. Steamed potatoes, baby carrots, etc. Then she placed Mary-Ann in her high chair, with 4 or 5 of these food chunks in front of her. As curious as Mary-Ann are, it went to her mouth and she liked it. Other times We put Mary-Ann in a inflatable swimming pool (without water) and give her a bowl of food. There she can play and eat and make a mess to her heart's content.

Both these things were a very messy experience, the dog was constantly beneath the high chair when Mary-Ann ate. We started this at about 9 months.
I LOVE the pool idea! I usually give Paige the bowl once shes done but the cream carpet seems to have taken a dislike to this :shock:
Really struggling :-( - Evelyn isn't grasping the idea of BLW at all! She doesn't mind been spoonfed a fromage frais though... You reckon she's being lazy? If so i'll have her yogurts and she can bloody learn to feed herself!! Haha!

She's always been under weight (loose term) compared to her friend who's same age but 3lb heavier so getting food into her in my eyes is quite important...
I know it's messy but have you tried emptying the yoghurt onto the highchair tray? Emily loves it when I do that! She puts her hands in it, then I guide her hand to her mouth xx
have you tried soft cheese, Toby loves it on anything and yoghurt...

Like the idea of the yoghurt on the tray erin, but not sure even I am brave enough for the mess!! :lol:
Lol! I tend to do it with her last meal, strip her down to her vest, and she goes in the bath about half an hour later!

I never thought of soft cheese. I have some laughing cow triangles invent fridge but they are the "light" ones. She can't have them can she? X

I guess to see if she likes. We are eating medium fat phily with garlic and herbs at the minute...


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