blue radox in the bath??


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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Hiya i posted a question on here the other day asking about clary sage oil and how it was used. a couple of ladies said they used the blue radox (it has clary sage in it) in the bath and it helped put them into labour! was just wondering if there is anyone has who tried it and what happened if anything? :think: thanks xx
Ive not used it personally but i was told when i was pregnant not to use it as it relaxes the muscles and can bring on labour. my midwife told me that so it must work for some people. x
thanks both of you, im 38 weeks now so just wondering what is out there to get things moving along! i know, so impatient! xx
ooh really? are we talking the blue powder that turns the water blue?

i've used that quite a few times during pregnancy, nothings ever came of it though!!!
*Star* said:
ooh really? are we talking the blue powder that turns the water blue?

i've used that quite a few times during pregnancy, nothings ever came of it though!!!

its the blue "muscle soak" herbal radox, it says on the front of the bottle that it contains clary sage xx
sheena287 said:
thanks both of you, im 38 weeks now so just wondering what is out there to get things moving along! i know, so impatient! xx

Is there any rush? I'm more inclined to let LO arrive when s/he is ready. It seems harsh trying to evict sooner. I'd let nature take its course.

FWIW clary sage should not be messed with. If your LO isn't engaged and ready to come out, using something that could start of contractions early seems silly/risky.
yeah i just checked the box and its the same stuff.

i never even knew that clary sage could bring on labour...

don't think i've ever been told that
I used Clary Sage oil a few times but not sure if it did anything or not. Something to be very careful with though.
would it be strong enough???

Iused to sniff it straight from the bottle when overdue with Seren and it did sod all
ive now smelt the essential oil & blue radox & hate them both :) BUT if you do like it... its currently on 2 500ml bottles (the bubble bath) for £2 in boots! :D The also have money off their aromatherapy oils as well.
I used it the day before I was due to be induced and think it may have helped, used it in two baths she was born within 12 hours, altough maybe she would have been born then anyhow ?
I can't help thinking if it were strong enough to help induce it would come with a warning on to prevent use in pregnancy. The bottle says 'a few drops of clary sage' or something.
I never knew this!!!
It was on offer at morrisons at £1 a bottle so i stocked up on it, and come to think YES i did go into, but i was 11 days late so i reckon its more of coinsidence rather than the bubble bath.

In my opinion baby will come when baby is ready, i tried nearly everything and NOTHING worked. Just a waiting game, you lasted this long, whats another couple of weeks?
I used it in a bath about a month ago because my back was killing me (never thought to look what was in it as I've been showering with radox gel all the time!) and I didn't notice anything different at all :roll:
well i have been using it on and off throughout pregnancy.

i have to say though, that if it would have such a concentration in it to cause or potentially cause labour then im sure people would be made more aware of it!!!
i didnt know i wasnt supposed to use it (not that it would matter at 41weeks i suppose) but i had LOADS of it in the bath the other night and NOTHINg happened :(
If there was the slightest chance that radox would start labour it would say so on the bottle. I don't know exactly what the ingredients of radox are but I do know with a lot of products that they are perfumed rather than smelling of the actual oils. Most aromatherapy products you buy in shops take their smell mostly from perfume. I am so fed up of 'natural' 'lavender' products that smell nothing like lavender! I don't know about the prices of radox but if it is all the same price regardless of the oil they are using then they are really using negligible amounts - for example, good jasmine oil costs 10 times what good lavender oil costs.

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