Blossom Farm Sit Me Up Cosy


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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...does anyone have this for their LO? It was going to be Poppy's christmas present, but we weren't sure about it because I don't think it will be too long before she can sit un-aided anyway, so I thought we'd be wasting our money. If you have one, how long did you use it for (until what age?). I got a mothercare giftcard at christmas and have been reconsidering buying it, but will it be a waste of money?
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Jack has 1, he loved it until the cat put her claws through it! Grr! Luckily we also have a play ring (same thing but not in 2 halves). He's used his ring since he was 5mths and it's still going strong now! He sits unaided in it and plays with his toys but often loses his balance and bounces off of the sides. It gives me alot of reassurance that he won't hurt himself if he falls backwards x
Claire - be careful, Owen has the same play ring nest thing and I thought it was great until the day he learnt to propell himself backwards out of it and land head first on the hard kitchen floor!
We had one of these and its useful for when they are sitting up but still falling backwards as you can build it up. it also collapses so you can store it for the future. I got mine second hand of ebay for £2.20 :)
Claire - be careful, Owen has the same play ring nest thing and I thought it was great until the day he learnt to propell himself backwards out of it and land head first on the hard kitchen floor!

Thats exactly why I never leave him in the room alone it it! He's just started flinging himself about in it so he's not in it for very long x
Hmmm not sure if I'll bother? She happily sits in her bumbo or on her activity mat so maybe it's just one extra thing we don't need. x
I used to have to put Adams next to the couch that way it couldnt lean back but he grew out of it in a few weeks and was more interested in his bumbo, dont think ill be buying one for Lexi x x
I've been considering one of these, just because it looks mega comfy. LO has a rocking seat thing that goes in diff positions & a lie down gym & mat. & I thought this would be more entertaining but was holding off to see if the price went down in the sale - last I looked they were £50 which maybe a bit much for a cpl months use.

Ive seen this on the advert, I worry that it doesn't curve around enougth to protect the sides, Devon always fell sidewards. We just used all the scatter cushions from sofa and laid them around devon like a circle on a soft play mat , he was rubbish and only sat unaided without falling at 10 mths , (my others were all 8mths, but all later than average tbh), so we treated ourselves to new cushions. Maybee you could makedo with your sofa cushions or old pillows?
I got Thomas one for xmas at my Mum and Dads and he didnt like it as a ring and isn't sitting up at all so was useless. It may be good in afew months time. We also had prob blowing it up. I'd take it back if I hadn't thrown the box out.
But got some cute pics ;)

We used to lay Millie in her from when she was about 2 months old, she would sleep in it too. So cosy! Then one day once she was able to roll over, I found her hanging over the edge, face first, playing with the rug :) so cute, but then realised we needed to keep an eye on her. We used it initially to put behind her when she first started sitting up, but she soon didn't need it anymore x x
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If you want a cheaper alternative I use my dream genii maternity pillow to make a kind of arm chair - it curls around my lo quite nicely!

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