Bloody Hell...


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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EVERYONE keeps saying to me;

"Has that bump not dropped yet?"
"Ooooh you're still carrying very high?"
"Is baby not engaged?"

My neighbour's just said to me "bloody hell baby just does not want to come out does she!" to which I replied "I'm not actually OVERDUE yet so she's still got time" (due on Friday) and she said "yeah I know but she's not looking like it'll be any time soon, your bump's still really high. Is she not engaged?" I said "yes, she's engaged" and she went on to tell me that MWs get it wrong a lot and that my bump doesn't look anywhere near ready for labour :(

OK, I hear people say all the time "my bump's dropped" etc, and although I FEEL like it's dropped & been told baby is engaged and have been feeling loads of pressure down below where she's down and stuff, I just feel a bit like labour is never going to happen? And if I'm honest, my bump does look quite high;

Please tell me I'm not going mad or it's just wishful thinking that bump has dropped but it hasn't??

1st pic is 36 weeks and second is 38 weeks - Evie engaged somewhere between the two dates;



Why can't people just understand too that I'm NOT overdue yet! Yes, ok, I'm 5 days away but that's still FIVE days! It's not like I'm 10 days over, do you know what I mean?!

I feel like hiding away until she's here just to avoid stupid neighbours, friends, people on Facebook etc!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Fook! LOL you have deffo dropped and wooosh that looks heavy! :hug: Ignore them all :) they are all clueless even if they have had babes themselfs people dont realize pregnancys are all diffrent.xx
Definately looks like your bump has dropped to me hun. It's bloody frustrating when people make these flippant comments and totally don't think about how we are feeling. It makes me feel like doing this :wall: But with their heads! :lol:

Try not to stress hun, I'm sure Evie will come when she's good and ready :hug: :hug: :hug: Your bump is fabulous by the way - but your poor back! I bet it's uncomfortable for you :hug:
Dan i think you have the perfect bump..and a perfect face for that matter..i hate u :wink:
It looks to have dropped. I can't believe a neighbour, presumably not a MW or someone wearing X-ray specs can say 'sometimes MW's are wrong'... 'cause she obviously knows better!
Blooming 'eck, you HAVE dropped!!!! Ignore your neighbour, shes talking out of her backside!!

You look amazing as well, wish Id looked that good when I was pregnant. Evie will come when she is ready, not because other people think its time. xxxx
Thank you ladies :hug: Although, if I'm totally honest, it probably looks lower because the top I'm wearing in my second pic shows the bottom of my belly... :oops: Maybe she hasn't actually dropped yet?

TBH though, my MW did tell the lady next door a few weeks ago that her baby was engaged and he wasn't :( I've got another appointment on Tues so I'm going to ask her to triple check that she is actually engaged :pray:

I'm so glad the 2nd pic has come out a bit blurry, if you see the full version you'd notice I'm wearing make up from about 4 days before :lol:

Oh, and people keep asking to SEE the bump (naked bump) but I have stretchmarks AND psoriasis is really bad on my belly :oops: :cry: I want to punch people sometimes!

OMG hun u look massive, bray was half that bump lol

but it looks like u have dropped to me
No, your bump has DEFINATELY dropped! Jeez, I wouldn't be surprised if Evie wanted to stay in there past her due date, I bet she's well comfy in there!

And you look so good..I wish pregnancy suited me like it does you!! :hug:

Won't be long now, hun :hug:
You're looking good hun!! Try and ignore the silly comments, easier said than done. You look really healthy and happy! :hug:
dannii87 said:
Oh, and people keep asking to SEE the bump (naked bump) but I have stretchmarks AND psoriasis is really bad on my belly :oops: :cry: I want to punch people sometimes!


What a funny thing to ask! How personal?! :O
That is one fine bump danni!
I think someone has got you in a panic for no reason :hug:
Hey lady!!

I just showed James those two pics and even he could see you obviously HAVE dropped!!! xx
:doh: Stupid woman what makes her an authority over your chuffin MW that feels your bump and checks these things out every day :wall:

As for people asking to see naked bump, What a rude an innapropriate thing to say!

I had one of those 'let me look at your nail's' people that set up stalls in the middle of shopping centers come up to me the other and and ask to show me the quality of the skin round my bump :shock: (aparently they have the elixiar for streach marks :roll:) I asked him to bend over and show me his naked arse first and noted he prob had more streachers than me as I have not a single friend disowned me :lol:
aramintalovegrove said:
I asked him to bend over and show me his naked arse first and noted he prob had more streachers than me as I have not a single friend disowned me :lol:

Hah, I wish I'd been there!!
Great bump hun :D And yes, she looks like she has dropped :)

Damn other people and their opinions during pregnancy :evil:
i deffo thinkit has dropped hon!

They just hating on you. you pay no mind!!

Neighbours... everybody needs good neighbours... :rotfl:
Geezo, how is your back?! You have definately dropped. Any day now!! :cheer:

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