Blood Tests...Worried!


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2010
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Well 2 days ago I had my second lot of blood tests done but I just recieved a call from surgery today telling me I needed to have some more done. I asked why and she said she wasn't sure :eh:

They took less blood first time around (because I passed out) and they managed to get the results ok...This time they took loads more blood but now they need more? Just not looking forward to having to have MORE blood taken as I always feel faint and sick it's horrible!

Should I be worried about this? Just want the baby to be ok, I guess I'm being silly? Got an appointment on Wednesday but probably have to go on my own boo! :sad: xx
I can't be no help but i'm sure everything is ok...i hate needles too xx
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I had to have mine redone because the result came back 'inconclusive', had them redone and everything was fine - it could be that reason or the blood got spoilt, or they dropped the sample, or it wasn't labelled properly.......they should be able to tell you the reason though - but I wouldn't be too worried at this point. Have they told you what tests it is in relation to? Sorry you're not very good at having your blood taken - that's a bummer for you! xx
Ahh right, I'm hoping that's whats happened. No they haven't told me anything really that's why I've been worried. Ahh sucks I gotta go through it again, but I'm sure labour will be worse lol. Is having your blood taken a normal thing to happen throughout the pregnancy? xx
As far as i know its normal :) ive got mine coming up at my 24 week appointment x
Hi all, how regular are the blood tests i.e. 16 weeks, then 24 weeks etc etc.. and what do they test for you each time?

I have my 16 week appointment coming up next week.. butI have no idea what happens with this stuff?

Sorry you have to have your bloods redone, can understand you anxieties around that!! Wishing you all the best xx
i had to have my book in bloods re took on my 12 week scan coz they said they didnt take enough

which even the midwife said would be a lie sge said it was more like the huys at the lab had dropped them or summat?? ha pff x
Usually you have your bloods done at 12 weeks and 28 weeks huni, you can have one at 16 weeks though if you want the downs test xx

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