Blood test tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Ok so I am now on day 50 of my cycle, which would put me at 18 days late for AF. I have given up taking HPTs because they are still coming up negative :wall:

Earlier this week the nurse gave me a form so I can go and get a blood test tomorrow providing AF doesn't arrive. I am a bit nervous as I faint at the sight of blood really easily and have fainted at every single blood test I've ever had :roll:

I won't get the results until the middle of next week but I am still thinking 'not pregnant'.

So my question is, what is the longest cycle any of you girls have experienced? I'm just wondering how long I might have to wait until AF might finally arrive :think:
Hey there i had a case of my AF being late last year and i went to the doctors and had tests etc and he told me that its not uncommon for your period to not come for anything up to a year as it can happen obviously i wasnt pregnant and AF did aventualy arrive but in a way it di reassure me a little as atleast i knew where i stood. I hope you get the answer you want real soon :pray: :hug:
about 60 days is the longest...but basically that was just a missed period. My cycles last month and this month are still in the 40 day range. Last month was 42 and this month is looking like it's gonna be the same...I'm starting to get AF symptoms so I know she's coming. I went to my Ob/gyn yesterday and he said that the cycles are just too long and is needs to be 28-32 and maybe even up to 35 days and that's it. He also discovered that I'm not ovulating... which is probably the reason for the long cycles. He has checked everything my insulin, glucose, thyroid, all my hormone levels and everything is he is just going to get my cycles regulated with progesterone and then clomid to make me ovulate. Maybe you didn't ovulate and it's causing this long cycle.

Hopefully this helps...and maybe mention it to your doctor to see if he can check all of your hormone levels and then try and regulate your cycles. Are you normally regular?
Thanks for the replies girls :)

Flossy, I really hope that AF doesn't stay away for a year :shock:

jaime, I'm hoping that this is just a missed period! I hope that you get your cycle regulated soon :hug: Since February (and coming off the pill) I have had exactly 32 day cycles although I don't take temps or check ovulation by POAS so I can't be sure that I have been ovulating.

If the tests comes back negative, I will go back and ask for tests on my hormone levels, I think that's a good suggestion, thanks :)
Good luck hun. I hate needles to and my veins are really hard to find so that makes it even worse :roll: .
Hey Mildly, sorry youre still having probs,

my cycle before this was over 60 days, about where you are now I thought I must be pg but got negative hpt then got ov symptoms later that day. AF then followed as normal.

This cycle I have been temping and still didnt ov until about day 35 but rise in temp was v clear and had other ov symptoms, and looks like we may have done it!! I found it quite reassuring to be temping having said I was gonna be cool and not bother with it cos it felt like i was doing something positive!

Not that my doc was very interested in my lovely chart yesterday! :roll:

Hope your tests go OK, dont worry about fainting bet it happens a lot! :hug:
Thanks clarey :)

Sounds like my AF could be on it's way then! 60 days, you must have been going out of your mind :shock:

I'm really glad you OV'd this cycle, hope you got lots of BDing in ;)

I know what you mean when you say charting makes you more in control. I think I might start when AF arrives. At least then it would give me a clue when/if I OV.

Well I had the test earlier, I managed to avoid fainting :dance: So I think I will ring Tuesday to hear what they say and then I can book an appointment to get some hormone tests done.

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