Blood Test Results


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Just received a letter from the hospital telling me they are pleased to report that I fall into the "Low Risk" category for Downs Syndrome. I had to have the quadruple test done as I missed the earlier tests, and been waiting paitently for the results for the last week and a half.

Im just so relieved and happy :D

They also tested for all the other things at the same time (I hadnt had any blood tests done at all previously) - does anyone know if you get a seperate letter for these, or if everything is fine you dont hear anything?
Firstly, big congrats on your 'low risk'!!
I got all my bloods done at 16 week visit, downs, spina bifida, rubella, and Hiv, hep B, syphillis. The haematology ones (downs etc) came back within 2 weeks (low risk), but the others were TWICE damaged in transport and had to be redone. I am now 23 and half weeks and STILL waiting on results! The delay is starting to make me feel a bit anxious, but fortunately Ive been a regular blood donor and know they will all come back fine anyway as my blood obviously gets tested at each donation...But still, it would be nice to have it on paper!
Imo, i think that they put a rush on the downs etc as they're working within a time scale incase further testing is needed, but with the virology ones they dont seem to put much urgency on it at all! So I wouldnt worry if these take a bit longer to come through. X
glad your results come back low risk hun :D
i had a sheet through the post for my blood results basically saying
my blood group
my iron levels
that i was immune for rubella and toxoplasmosis
and tested negative for hiv and syphillis (sp)

Brilliant I guess I need to wait for another letter to come through.

Like you Alison I have given blood, so not too worried about the general tests, but would like to know about Spina Bifida etc.

Oh well fingers crossed they will be back soon!
I might be wrong but I think the low risk letter you've had is for both downs AND spina bifida(?) X
Thats great news! :cheer: :hug:

I just had my triple test results and i'm low risk too it is such a relief. I had bloods taken on my first visit 25/06/08 for blood group, syphilis, hep b, Rubella, HIV etc and got results when I had my next midwife appt on 6/8/08 and they all came back ok.

Just by blood group of A negative means i will have to have injections of Anti D to give me antibodies so I don't reject any future pregnancies one at 28 weeks and next at 34 weeks.

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