blood spots / broken blood vessles type things?!


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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Has anyone else suddenly got little red blood spot appear? I seem to have loads now!! :shock: 4 on just one hand, one under my eye, two on my other hand, a few on my back and sides...and that's just the ones I have noticed!
They don't hurt or anything (one itches on my side) Just wondered if anyone knew what they were, and should I see a doctor?!
They just look like a little spot of blood very close to the top of my skin. :(
Funnily enough, I had one appear on my tummy this week. I can't see it atm lol but there is def one there!

I wounder what causes them? Didn't really take to much notice of them until my MIL asked me what the hell I had done to my hand today. Now I'm starting to worry if they are a blood pressure thing?! last time I saw MW my blood pressure was low for me, but I do have a very fast pulse rate?!
its funny you should mention this its nothing to do with pregnancy but my ex boyfriend had lots of these wee blood spot things and i used to wonder what they were and why they appeared :-S xx
when I had my daughter I had one under my eye and that was it - once I had her it went. This time I have loads and they seem to keep coming... I'm now worried to look at myself incase I spot another one (pardon the pun lol )
I've got mw on Fri so will ask her.xx
Thank you Olive, that would be great! Don't really like my MW at the moment! moved area and waiting to get with the MW's here so she makes me feel I'm putting her out and I shouldn't be there. xxx
I get these anyway, I just see them as yet another reason I have a great personality :rofl:
Well at least I know I'm not on my own! Lol

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