blood in stools?


Active Member
Feb 4, 2010
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sorry if this is tmi, but i just went to the toilet and noticed some bright red blood in my stool?!i dont know whether i should worry about this or whether i'ts normal? there was no blood when i wiped? any information on this would be very grateful i cant help but worry!!
Hi, This could just be piles - but aways best to play it safe and see doc or mw x
yeah i think i better had, just to be on the safe side!!
Bright red usually indicates piles or a little tear. It's common in pregnancy as we can get a bit bunged up and strain when we go. See your GP rather than your MW and in the mean time drink lots of water and eat plenty of fibre :)
I had some blood a couple of months ago, but it only happened once. I was very freaked out at the time and the general feeling on here was it was probably piles. If it happened again i was going to get checked at the doctors, but it hasn't and to be honest (sorry if tmi) i've been very regular since, it seemed to sort out the constipation that i had been struggling with. Fingers crossed alls ok for you too, but it sounds normal to me x
thanks guys, thats really put my mind at ease a little, if it happens again i think i'll take a visit to the docs!

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