Blood in spit-up...very worried.

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Naomi had her first taste of fruit today - just a tiny bit on the end of a spoon, but she liked it so I gave her a little more. It seemed to stay down. I gave her rice later with her evening bottle.

However, hours later, at the time of her night bottle when she wouldn't be getting solids at all, she spit up - and there was blood in the spit up - like small dark red streaks, not a lot.

I know that it can come from cracked nipples but I'm not breastfeeding. There is a possibility that I may have nicked her gum with a fingernail while trying to soothe her teething pains earlier. I honestly don't know if I'm panicking or not.

I think I'll wait and if she spits up blood again, bring her to A&E. She doesn't seem ill otherwise...

i phoned nhs yesterday about Har;ey being sick and they ask you loads of questions one of the questions was is there any blood in the sick????

Harley isnt bringing up blood but ild phone them they are great
Thanks girls, I went with my intuition and kept an eye on her...she is fine this morning, as she was lastnight, not behaving ill at all, and her spit-up (or sick, yes, Kim) is fine. I think I panicked a bit.

I can't ring NHS direct, I'm afraid Dionne, as I'm in Ireland. Thanks for the tip though.

damo had blood on his sick a while back and it was just a torn blood vessel (?) or something in his throat and told not to be worried unless it kept happeneing or it was alot of blood.

Hope that help x
Yes, Sami, thanks. That does help :D Hope all is well with you.

anyone would have been worried - you didn't panick, any mother would have been the same. glad she is ok!! xx

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