Blood in nappy...

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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At around 6 weeks old Lara had blood specs in her nappy when she did a poo.. doc said she had an anal fissure [tearing] which would take 6-8 weeks to heal.. gave us canestan steroid cream to help heal but 7 weeks later the blood is still there every time she fills her nappy and in fact the amount of blood is increasing and there tends to be a mucousy texture to her stool.

The doc said it is very common as babies learn to use their anal muscles and cos their motions are quite explosive sometimes.. well lara's have always been explosive!

I also wonder whether it could be something in my milk or the formula [she is breastfed all but one or perhaps two feeds of formula in night] -could the milk be triggering off a reaction ..??

sorry to be so detailed but i am really worried.. off to the doc again in a mo but am worried they will fob me off again with more lotions when it could be something more alarming..

has anyone else experienced this with any of their newborns?

OMG I had no idea you went through all that with poor little Charlie.. sorry I have been soooo slack at checking the posts on here...just far tooo busy with lara and these past weeks it has just been one thing after another with visits to the docs with her :(

so glad Charlie is OK.. has all the blood now disappeared?

The doc we saw on Friday was a different one.. 3rd doc she has seen these last 6 weeks and he said that we need to see a paediatrician so we will get a letter through and hopefully an appointment at hospital soon.. reading your story has reassured me a bit as Lara also seems OK in herself.. quite a happy little thing but the blood scares me and I feel so bad when I see it and think she may have something seriously wrong with her :cry:

I just wish they had referred us 6 weeks ago when they first examined her... we could have been doing something about it by now.. instead she has been suffering for 7 weeks and that makes me mad and sad!!

Glad Charlie has been given all clear... such a load off your mind no doubt!! xxxxx
Anna Marie - i'm sure it will turn out to be nothing serious. Even thou it must be a big worry for you until you know for sure.

Amanda - I also had no idea Charlie was also bleeding. Glad it turned out to be nothing serious. You must have been worried sick.

Hope both Lara and Charlie are doing fine.

Anne Marie sorry I only just saw this but we are going through a similar situation. My daughter Leorah also has anal fissures but hers don't bleed but cause her terrible pain whenever she poos. I have been in the hospital 3 nights for observation and all the docs said that her crying was normal! I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown and they eventually sent me to a specialist who diagnosed her in 30 secs! Why they couldn't have listened to what I was saying and sent her to him 3 weeks ago I don't know! (the whole long and sorry episode is in ask a Mum)

Anyway she has been given a liquid pain killer and something to make her poo runny but no cream! Was the canesten cream on prescription and how is it applied? Sorry for all the questions!

I have been reading on the net about these frissures and they are very common in babies, in fact 8/10 babies will get them in the first year and they are usually caused by one episode of constipation, I am sure Leorah's happened when she had trouble passing meconium. I have tried changing my diet etc but it makes no difference so don't worry about what milk you use, I don't think it will make a difference. I really hope Lara heals soon, poor LO, give her a hug from Me and Leorah :hug:
Thanks Hayley and Skatty, Lara is still having blood in her nappies, we are waiting for an appointment to come through from the hospital.. meanwhile I just worry !!!

Its reassuring to hear that others have experienced this even though its not nice for any babies and their worried parents!! I just hope that whatever it is really isn't serious and can be sorted, I feel bad that it has been going on so long!!

The canestan was prescription Skatty - not sure if its the same as the one women can buy over the counter.. its the blue tube.. its supposed to help heal the fissures but clearly hasn't in Lara's case if that is what is causing the problem..

I hope Leorah is better now.. its such a worry and I feel so bl**dy helpless and wretched thinking Lara may be suffering..


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