Blood in nappy


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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Before i left hospital i was told that it was normal for newborns to have blood in their nappy from the hormones passing through them. It cleared up after a few days but today i noticed blood in 2 dirty nappies. Is this the same thing?
Hmmmm not sure hun :think:

I remember my friends daughter had blood in her nappies the first couple of weeks and this was due to hormones.

Seek advice from GP or midwife if you're unsure :hug:
I'd talk to the GP or MW, it's a bit late for the hormone thing again, I think. Google suggests it might be a reaction to something you eat (e.g. dairy) if you breastfeed.
Hi there,
Probably nothing to worry about, but go see G.P asap to put your mind at rest.
keep us posted won't you x
You haven't got cracked nips have you? If they bleed it could be passing through?
Is it just little streaks?? Tally has this for a short while at about 3 months, scared the crap outta me, but was perfectly normal, unfortunately i cant remember the exact cause but i think it was something to do with milk, i'm gonna quickly google it see if i can find some info
Right had a quick look, cant find what i had before when Tally had it but i found a few things

Firstly, is there like a mucus with the blood? If so then you should ring a doctor to rule out infections

Some potential causes of blood in baby's stools:

* A common cause of blood in an infant's stool is a slight anal tear (fissure) from baby straining with the passage of the stool. The small amount of blood from an anal fissure tends to look like a red streak on the outside of the stool.
* Another common cause of blood in the stools of infants is food allergies. The top allergens are cow's milk products and soy. See Dairy and other Food Sensitivities in Breastfed Babies for more information.
* A third common cause: If mom has a cracked nipple or other bleeding, then baby may ingest some blood from mom (this is not harmful to baby), which may show up in baby's stool.
* Occasionally, blood in the stool may be due to breastmilk oversupply. Per Dr. Jack Newman, bloody stools in some babies have been eliminated completely by resolving mom's oversupply. This can be done by following the usual management procedures for oversupply; it can also be helpful to use breast compressions to increase the amount of fat that baby gets while nursing. See Can a baby be allergic to breastmilk? for more information on oversupply causing blood in baby's stool.
* There are several case reports of a baby beginning to have mucous and/or blood in the stool after starting vitamin/fluoride drops, where the blood disappeared after the drops were discontinued.
* Blood in the stool may also be caused by a temporary case of lactose intolerance, due to an intestinal infection.
* Certain kinds of infectious diarrhea can cause bloody stools in babies, including Salmonella and C. Difficile. C. Difficile is a bacteria that grows in the gut if the bacterial balance has been upset; the toxin can cause injury to the mucosa and bloody stools. Breastfed babies tend to have less severe symptoms than non-breastfed babies because breastmilk inhibits the growth of the bacteria.
* Various forms of colitis, intussusception, or other intestinal disorders are other possible causes.
From Kellymom

Now i remember, we decided Tally's was due to an over supply of milk i had at the time, as soon as it settled her tummy did too.
Cheers for that info hun :hug:
Took LO to the HV yesturday and saw the doctor aswell. She said it was nothing to worry about and i havent seen any blood in his nappy since. She said it may have just been the straining thing, which when i thought about it he was crying and moaning whilst trying to poop and grumbling for ages then totally normal again after he had pooed.
I didnt realise just how much i would worry about every little thing!

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