Blocked nose...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
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Just wanted to find out if anyone has been having a miserable time because of blocked sinsuses? I was really suffering at the start of my 2nd trimester it then seemed to clear up - sort of, but last last night I had a really bad night - hardly slept at all, my nose was completely blocked and nothing I did seemed to help - steaming, rubbing loads of vick on my nose and chest, saline solutions. Eventually at around 05:30 on one of my many jounery's to the loo I decided to give in and use one of the medicated nose sprays - I've been avoiding taking any form of medication throughout my pregnancy, and up to now have been successful. Hence I've felt like poo all day - took the day off work so I could try catch up with my sleep. Must say of all the side effects one can experince during pregnancy suffering from sinus problems has been the worst for me.

On another note, not that this is some amasing discovery but if your back is giving you lots of grief then do use a hot water bottle, this has been working for me in terms of getting rid of some of those nasty dull aches and pains!
Yep, I've had this. I have had an annoying blocked nose since the beginning, but nothing to worry about too much. I then got a cold on the 19th April, which quickly developed into sinusitus. I was in agony. I eventually gave up with the steam inhalation and got the anti-biotics from the docs and it cleared up in about 5 days. You do get extra mucus in pregnancy, and this can affect some ladies with their sinuses. Not much help really am I, except to sympathise!! There's a bit of info here:
Thankfully I've not had a cold, I can imagine what a nightmere that must be if you can't tkae anything! However when I initially went to see my MV for the first time I mentioned the nose problem to her and didn't get much sympathy from her other then yup that's something you've got to deal with for the duration of the pregnancy - nothing they can do. Now I feel bad as yesterday before going to bed I thought I might just use the same medicated nose spray again so as to get a decent nights sleep and read the label before hand which clearly stated do not use if pregnant or breast feeding!! I'm sure it will be okay but it's just typical :roll: !
Hope your nose stays unblocked for you for the rest of your pregnancy, as this is something I too can totally sympathis with now!

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