Blocked nose


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2014
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My four week old baby girl seems to have a cold. She is my fifth daughter and I've never known this before with any of the others - not at this young age. She is a bad sleeper normally but it's just horrendous at the moment. Any advice please from a desperate Mum who hasn't slept for more than two hours consecutively since June 18th 😢 xx
I've been using the snuffle baby nasal spray for my lo as she always sounds quite nasally. My health visitor first gave me it when she was 12 days old. Clears everything nicely
Maybe try putting her cot at and an angle so she's not laid totally flat. The saline sprays are good and you can also get the things that suck the snot out of their nose. You could also try putting some vicks in hot water in the bedroom so that the vapours can help her. I wouldn't put it on her skin this young.

Just a thought, but my eldest was bad with silent reflux and he always sounded snivelling and snotty when he was young. One of the doctors mentioned that can be a symptom of reflux. If she's quite fussy and grumpy a lot maybe get her checked by the GP.
Snuffle babe spray or drops.

We also ran a hot shower and took our little man in the shower room for a few minutes. That cleared it up. He only seemed to get a blocked nose in the night, so I used the spray before feeding.
If the nose isn't runny, try a bulb syringe to pull out the hard stuff. They might sound blocked and stuffy but really just need their nose clearing, rather than it being a full on cold.
Ohhh, have been told by the health visitor and gp not to use those syringes...
My LO got a cold in hospital before we cam home and he had it for weeks, he had snotty eyes and a blocked nose and just general yuckiness. A few drops of olbas oil or Vicks in hot water in the room at night helped relieve him, I also out a teeny tiny dab of Vicks on the bottom of his feet. He sat in the bathroom while I had a hot shower and the steam helped to get some of the snot moving too.
I used olbas for babies when LO had a cold, helped him clear his blocked nose and sleep.
I dabbed a lil on a cotton pad and put near his head
Ohhh, have been told by the health visitor and gp not to use those syringes...

Why not? They just pull the snot out. It's the safest way to pick their nose...
Using saline spray or drops etc to rinse out their noses can cause them to choke as its pushing it back down their throats
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I used olbas for babies when LO had a cold, helped him clear his blocked nose and sleep.
I dabbed a lil on a cotton pad and put near his head

You can use normal olbas oil from three months which is also usually cheaper than baby olbas oil.

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