funny breathing :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Hi everyone,

At night Savannah wakes up with a really blocked nose. shes breathing so heavy she wakes us up, she doesn't have a cold and never struggles with anything like that in the day. She cant be cold because she sleeps in a vest and babygrow, 2.5 Tog sleeping bag and a blanket over that, also the heater is near her cot so she can't be cold.

She either wakes up with a really blocked nose at about 3am or wakes herself up coughing.

Anybody else had this?


The heating might be drying the air out as well. You could put a bowl of water under the heater and that might help a bit. I was told the same thing, that is was normal for newborns and they usually have stuff stick in their from being inside you :)
Issac gets a stuffy nose through the night, and rarely through the day. Its not a cold as he seems well in himself, i wondered if it could still be mucas but thought it should be gone at 6weeks, so I'm not sure. Has your LO always had it or has it just started?
We've propped up the head end of Lo Moses basket just a book under each leg and that helps her breathing. Also as the girls said maybe room is dry so a bowl of water on rad nay help x
I agree if she is near a heater she will get a stuffy nose.. Move her if u can or prop her up a bit and turn down the heat or off completely x
She's nearly five months so I would have thought mucus would have cleared by now.

The bowl of water sounds like a good idea I'll try this tonight.

Thanks girls :)

If the radiator is on in the girls room they wake up stuffy too same as I used to when my bed was next to radiator xx
Just put a bowl of water underneath the radiator so will see how that goes :)
She still woke up a couple of times, think I will just turn it off tonight and put the one on in the next room so it will still be warm just not quite so close.

Thanks for asking :)


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