Blighted ovum


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2015
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I was so happy announcing my bfp on july 10th here. Today I had an early scan at what I thought was 9 weeks and 6 days due to tiny amount of brown spotting on 2 occasions 4 days apart. I was a little on edge but thought it would be fine. Empty sac. Im devastated. Sonographer very blunt. Got to wait to pass the sac and "matter" now. First pregnancy and flat and lost and also feel foolish like body has tricked me. Best wishes to all in a similar situation...
They forget that whilst its an everyday thing for them to see... They dont realise its our babies we now have to grieve for
Best wishes on your next cycle with ttc again x
Sorry for your loss! Its truely devastating! Take care of you and your OH!!
Im so sorry you have to go through this :-(
My first mc was a blighted ovum which, like yourself, I found out at a 10 week scan. Its heartbreaking when you expect to see a healthy baby on the screen and instead, there is nothing. Its awful that your sonographer wasn't very comforting about it.

Not sure if it helps right now, but know that the odds are really high that your next pregnancy will be absolutely fine. Blighted ovums are just one of those things that happen sometimes. They are devastating, but very unlikely to happen again

take care
Thank you. I am more hopeful that I know I am fertile now I CAN get pregnant and will click again. Just a one off. On Tuesday I will have pessaries to induce the miscarriage and release the empty sac. I am 41 next April, my mother had early menopause at 43. We want to have at least 2 children ideally so Im going to pray we get our dream before it's too late.
Best wishes
Also just to say both the Dr and the sonographer called it an anembryonic pregnancy ie without embryo . Some of the leaflets say blighted ovum and seems to be both terms are used, just if anyone was confused they are the same thing...

I'm still brown spotting intermittent and only when I wipe, crampy and lower backache, like a periods coming. Hope nothing major moves til Tuesday so the hospital can deal with it all. I don't want a natural MC at at home. Nurse and Dr say they can monitor me and provide pain relief for womb contractions on Tues and have a theatre slot ready just in case I need an urgent D&C. Its so strange and sad sitting here knowing Im going to miscarry an empty sac in a couple of days time..
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Just to update and if anyone is due to have this it might help.
I have had a complete mc today at hosp. I appreciate everyone is different. This may not happen to you.
So had the 4 vaginal pessaries this morning. And antibiotic in bottom. Pain definitely increased after about an hour and half, but I thought just about bearable and then realised no , too much so took paracetamol. Then had 2 more meds for the womb orally, then I have to admit pain quite horrible for a couple of hours maybe less. I haven't had a baby but def comparable to birth contractions the nurse said. I paced the room for a bit.Then codeine took effect and I had quite a nice sleep feeling much better. Bleeding had started but not v heavy and not passing anything. So was just about to go home really at teatime , advised to continue to mc at home over next few days and go back for scan in a week So nurse said hang on, stay for food and we ll check you out after that. In the middle of the meal I felt something move and I passed all of it, sac and placenta intact. So im done no scan needed, just see how I go with bleeding etc at home now. So I hope thats the worst of it now.
Awk love how crap
Youll bleed a bit yet. Keep an eye out that the blood doesn't start to smell

I hope things get on track and you can get back to ttc soon x
Aww I'm sorry to hear that - but wow that's fascinating isn't it that they were intact! I wish you all the luck in the ttc world xxxx
So sorry for your loss, I had a blighted ovum... well it was never officially diagnosed but seems like what it was. The first time I had an early scan at 6w+ and measured a lot earlier only a sac seen never the embryo...ended up having an ERPC a few weeks later, second pregnancy I started bleeding at 8w+ again no baby seen just a sac, ended up m/c naturally. My first pregnancy was classed as a missed miscarriage? The second one I asked if it was a blighted ovum and the nurse said that is what it seems like but as I said never really got a medical reason for either.
As you say you know you can pregnant now so fingers crossed it will happen for you soon, they do say that blighted ovums are not common and its quite rare to have more than one...
Incidentially I am in my 40's also! 40 is still young ;) good luck xx
thanks stacesl3
You have my sympathies.
I had a leaflet that said inconclusive scan at first but they were sure it was anembryonic. I dont know how anyone can cope with more than one miscarriage, I couldnt. I pray this is it for me.
I think my age and the pressure I put on myself is probably one of the worst things, especially with this now even though I know not age related. Very hard to not think about . I wish I could switch my panic button off.
When we miscarried i knew i coildnt deal with the possibility of it happening again to the point where we didn't ttc for about a year and a half
Only then was i strong enough and prepared for the possibility of it happening again
Thankfully touch wood im at 32 weeks atm x
Congratulations to you. Best wishes for the next 8 weeks... Xx
Just to update and if anyone is due to have this it might help.
I have had a complete mc today at hosp. I appreciate everyone is different. This may not happen to you.
So had the 4 vaginal pessaries this morning. And antibiotic in bottom. Pain definitely increased after about an hour and half, but I thought just about bearable and then realised no , too much so took paracetamol. Then had 2 more meds for the womb orally, then I have to admit pain quite horrible for a couple of hours maybe less. I haven't had a baby but def comparable to birth contractions the nurse said. I paced the room for a bit.Then codeine took effect and I had quite a nice sleep feeling much better. Bleeding had started but not v heavy and not passing anything. So was just about to go home really at teatime , advised to continue to mc at home over next few days and go back for scan in a week So nurse said hang on, stay for food and we ll check you out after that. In the middle of the meal I felt something move and I passed all of it, sac and placenta intact. So im done no scan needed, just see how I go with bleeding etc at home now. So I hope thats the worst of it now.

So sorry for your loss, your story of hospital treatment is almost identical to mine which happened to me in Dec 2014. I didnt have a blighted ovum but a failed (or missed) mc. Even down to pain starting off bearable then me begging for stronger painkillers. By 6pm i hadnt passed anything and bleeding had slowed, was told i couldnt go home & had to stay in overnight and if it hadnt happened naturally by midday the following day i was going to theatre. It was a horrible night, i was so upset and didnt sleep. Thankfully around 9am the next day i passed it all myself.
I didnt deal with the whole thing well at all and ended up on sleeping tablets within a couple of weeks.
HOWEVER i conceived again in late Feb only 2 cycles after mc and am now 29 weeks pregnant.
So keep your spirits up and good luck to u if u decide to try again soon x
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